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Friday, 27 July 2018

BOOTS/NO.7 etc

Hi there, long time no speak, just popping in to post a quick update on Boots.

As of today, I'm officially removing Boots/No7/SEVENTEEN/Botanics etc from my list of brands I'm happy to buy from. I've seen numerous comments on facebook from former employees saying they have seen correspondence referring to use of animal tested ingredients. Also today I've seen a response from Boots to someone saying outright that some of their suppliers 'may' have to test ingredients or components on animals.

They're straight up too shady and 'grey' for me to trust them and so I can no longer be confident they're cruelty free. So they're now a no-no for me.

I'll be back properly real soon - I have some epic eats to share with you from my recent trip to San Diego and Las Vegas! It's gonna be a good one!

Have an ace weekend. It's raining here after a month of a heatwave YAY - I'm off to dance in it!

Sal x