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Friday, 27 July 2018

BOOTS/NO.7 etc

Hi there, long time no speak, just popping in to post a quick update on Boots.

As of today, I'm officially removing Boots/No7/SEVENTEEN/Botanics etc from my list of brands I'm happy to buy from. I've seen numerous comments on facebook from former employees saying they have seen correspondence referring to use of animal tested ingredients. Also today I've seen a response from Boots to someone saying outright that some of their suppliers 'may' have to test ingredients or components on animals.

They're straight up too shady and 'grey' for me to trust them and so I can no longer be confident they're cruelty free. So they're now a no-no for me.

I'll be back properly real soon - I have some epic eats to share with you from my recent trip to San Diego and Las Vegas! It's gonna be a good one!

Have an ace weekend. It's raining here after a month of a heatwave YAY - I'm off to dance in it!

Sal x

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Alien on Toast is 10!

So this Monday just gone, my blog turned 10. TEN!! I can't believe I have been blogging for a decade, where did that time go?

Back then I had only been vegan a couple of months, was living in a little flat, on my own, in my late 20s, finding my feet with veganism. I found it frustrating to eat out as NOWHERE really understood vegan!

Skip forward 10 years, I'm a newlywed (technically still? I dunno), about to move house again hopefully in the next few months with my awesome husband. Still vegan YAY but in a world where it is SO much easier to be vegan.

New products being released all the time, almost all chain restaurants and even pubs (which were always the most difficult) releasing vegan menus.

My blog has changed a lot over the years. It started off with this POST! Most of my posts back then were just pic spam of what I'd eaten recently. Usually terrible photos taken with flash!

I can't say my photography has improved that much, but the pic spam has gone, as now we have Instagram, that's really replaced those kinds of posts.

I blog about food and beauty now and I have a youtube channel, something I never thought I'd wanna do back then.

I guess all this waffle is really to say THANK YOU! To whoever is reading this. Whether you've been with me since 2008 or since today, I appreciate every single one of you that clicks on a blog post or watches a video.

And because I love you so much, I'm doing a giveaway. Maybe more than 1, stay tuned. I haven't exactly figured out what will be in it yet, but I've started putting it together. So watch this space or follow me on Twitter / Instagram or Youtube if you want to know about it when it's ready.

Sending you all love and cake! Hey maybe I need to make a blog birthday cake?

Sal xXx

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

MUA Vegan Options

Just popping in to say YAY! Cruelty free drugstore brand MUA finally have a page showing their vegan options!

Just go to their website and click on the vegan tab HERE.

Now if only I wasn't on a no-buy cuz this palette looks pretty!!
Sal xXx

Monday, 22 January 2018

I'm broke but I'm happy...

OK I'm not broke but I do spend WAY too much money on makeup.

I had a clear-out at Christmas and had literally a black sack full of stuff. Some was too old and crap to be donated but there was a giant carrier bag full of donatable stuff, which I gave to some very happy teenage girls (our friends' daughters). The pic above is one of about 4 from the clear-out I had 2 years ago!

Even after said clear-out, I have more makeup than one human ever needs. Now that I'm married ... nope, nope can't do it. Can't pretend that getting married made me a grown up!

OK so now I have other priorities, like saving for a new place to live, I can no longer spend all my disposable income on makeup. So I'm putting myself on a no-buy.

Also I binge-watched all of Kimberley Clark's anti-hauls and it really did hammer home how I'm guilty of buying stuff just for the sake of having it, even if it ends up just sitting in a drawer! I really recommend these videos, even if only for entertainment value. Kimberley is smart and hilarious!

Obviously as someone who likes making youtube videos* this is a bit of a problem, as I won't have a tonne of new stuff to review for you, so the content will have to change a bit to use up stuff I already have.

So I'm allowing myself to buy essentials such as deodorant and toothpaste of course. And things like concealer when they run out, I'll replace (and mascara as that should be replaced every few months). But I'm really not going to need a new foundation, eyeshadows or lip products for some time! I'm also not cancelling my Vegan Kind box for now.

So is anyone else on a no buy?

Sal xXx

*youtube have just demonitised my channel for not having enough subscribers. They're doing this to all small youtubers (less than 1000 subscribers) so I'm not alone and it's not like I'm going to miss the 20p I'll probably make from the ads haha. But it is a slap in the face! So anyway, if you feel like it, please subscribe to my channel because youtube being dicks aside, I love doing it and am planning to continue and also to get more regular with my posting schedule.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Wicked Kitchen at Tesco - A review

Firstly - I'm giving away the Soph x Makeup Revolution palette in my latest youtube vid - go HERE if you want to enter while you still have time :) (It is international!)

Shameless plug over....

....So with it being January/Veganuary, LOADS of new vegan items have been hitting the shelves of the supermarkets lately. I'm all for that and was super excited when Tesco launched a fully vegan range of ready meals.

The range, from Wicked Kitchen, has sandwiches, wraps, salad bowls, pizzas and ready meals and here is what I've tried so far:

Fiery Tofu & Slaw Sandwich - £3
I'll be honest, most of the lunch options didn't really do it for me. But the Fiery Tofu & Slaw sandwich sounded pretty great to me.

They're not lying when they say fiery, this sammie is WARM! But I like the spice so I enjoyed it. It could do with a bit of seasoning but you'll see that's a common theme among the reviews in this post! (I haz a salt tooth!)

I really enjoyed this and would purchase again!

Veggie Pasta & Amazeballs - £4
First of all, not amazeballs I'm afraid. I thought this was nice but nothing special. Nothing I couldn't make myself cheaper, less calories and tastier. So I probably won't buy this again. It needed salt (all these meals need salt!)
Pic from Tesco as I forgot to take one of the package!

Terrible photo of the contents!

Nana's Mushroom Bolognaise - £4
This one I like a lot and will definitely rebuy. These meals only take 4 mins to heat up in the microwave and this one is really tasty. As above though, needs salt ;-)

Damn, it's hard to get a good pic of ready meals when you take them out the pack! I added a tonne of nooch, obvs and I also generally put a layer of spinach in my bowl before I plate all meals!

Naked Burrito - £4
This one was excellent! Super spicy with those slices of Jalapeno and this kind of meal is my kind of meal. Rice and toppings. It was yummy. I love the oyster mushrooms and the beans in this. Would also rebuy this one!

Here it is completely mangled on top of some extra spinach, with a dollop of Oatly oat fraiche on top, because I'm obsessed with that stuff!

Gunpowder Potato Chana Masala - £4
My favourite of all the meals I've tried. So good! I loved the spice, it wasn't too hot, it was just yummy. And potatoes + rice, double carbs!! Win! Again needed salt, but as I said, salt tooth.

Again, pic from google due to my sieve-like memory
Again I added Nooch and Oat Fraiche!

So in summary, I've enjoyed pretty much everything I've tried so far from this range. I'm planning on putting one of the pizzas on this week's Tesco order to try out at the weekend. I also want to try the butternut mac and the teriyaki noodles.

They are a little pricey at £4 but they are really good quality and generous portions. I normally wouldn't eat ready meals this often, but a flare up of RSI in my hand/wrist meant that cooking was tricky this week so these were a godsend.

Have you tried anything from this range? What do you think?

Sal xXx