Ahem, sorry. Stupidness courtesy of this scene from Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back and because I couldn’t think of anything else with Nickelback in for my post title. I went to see them last night you see, at the Birmingham NIA! They were freaking aaaamazing! I know they get a lot of criticism but suck it haters – I love them and they rocked.
As well as rocking my thong off (hehe that was on some girl’s banner!!) they brought the lead singer of their support act (Black Stone Cherry – also superrad!) on for a cover of AC/DC’s Highway to Hell, which made this AC/DC lovin girl very happy. AND – the very sexy and gorgeous Ryan Peake took the lead vocals for a cover a cover of Kings of Leon’s Use Somebody – another song I love. I forgot to take my camera, damn. But here’s a vid of a similar performance of said KoL track! Hot hottie hot.
Anyway, speaking of pretty pretty things – foodz… We just had another bank holiday here in the UK and I also took yesterday and today off too so it’s been a nice long break. Having said that, I don’t have a right lot of pics for you, but that’s probably a good thing as I’m sure you’re just barely awake after my Nickelback ramblings.
This was dinner one night last week for me & my friend. A while back I made individual cottage pies with the magical combo of normal and sweet potatoes as the topping. I still don't have the filling down but I see it happening soon, so recipe pending tweakage. The topping was definitely still magical though!

Insie shot, with some steamed green veg. Rad.

Dinner friday night. I bought a jar of jerk stir fry paste and cooked up some seitan strips, peppers, mushrooms and peas in it. To go with (yes I stole this idea from VwaV) I made coconut rice (1/2 cup basmati, small (160ml) tin of coconut cream, 1/2 cup water, cook for 10 mins no lid adding more water if needed, after 10 mins turn off heat, put lid on and leave for 5 mins, stir in a tiny pinch of salt and it's good to go and oh so yummy!).

This was pud the day I made the cottage pie above. I wanted to make ice cream but for it to be low fat, so I used yoghurt instead of cream. It was delicious, but a little ice crystally (what, it's a word!) because I was too lazy to dig out the ice cream maker and just shoved it in the freezer instead. hehe. It was still good though and the recipe is below the pic!

Strawberry/Mango Yoghurt Ice Cream
4 tbsp / 1/4 cup sugar
4 tbsp / 1/4 cup water
1 punnet (1.5 cups) strawberries, hulled and halved or quartered
1 mango, cut into rough chunks (or just use extra strawberries!)
1 x 500ml carton of soya yoghurt (2 cups)
125ml / 1/2 cup light soya milk
Maple syrup
In a pan, heat the sugar and water until the sugar is just dissolved. Set aside.
Throw the strawbs, mango and yoghurt into a blender and whizz. Pour the soymilk through the feed hole and keep whizzing. Add sugar syrup and whizz again. Once smoothe, taste and if it needs to be sweeter, add a tbsp at a time of maple syrup until it's right (I only needed 1 tbsp!).
Pour into ice cream maker and freeze as per instructions. Then put into freezer to set fully.
For a soft serve (totally optional!), pull it out 20-30 mins before you want to serve it and then stick blend it till smooth and easy to scoop.
Brekkie on sunday - wholewheat banana pancakes, with lots of maple syrup! SO good.

This was lunch one day over the weekend. A salad similar to the one I posted a while back, with soba noodles, tofu, avocado and a lime dressing. Really light and tasty.

And this was today's lunch - 3M tofu sarnie (that's maple, miso & mustard!). Really easy to make and delish too. Recipe below pic.

3M Tofu (makes enough for 2 servings)
1/2 pack (about 125g) firm tofu
2 tbsp dark miso (I used barley)
2 tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp grain mustard (I used beer mustard - yum!)
2 tsp dijon mustard
2 tsp water
big pinch black pepper
Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4.
Drain and press the tofu, then slice into thin squares (or whatever shape you like - they should be about 1/2 cm thick) and place on a baking sheet.
Whisk together the sauce ingredients and then brush the tofu pieces with it. Flip and brush the other side. Be generous but make sure there's enough left for another brushing. Bake for 10 minutes, then flip, baste with the rest of the sauce and bake another 10 minutes.
If you cut the tofu thicker, it'll need longer in the oven.
I put mine on my favourite Burgen bread with vegan mayo, thinly sliced tomato and brocco-sprouts. YUM!
Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas 4.
Drain and press the tofu, then slice into thin squares (or whatever shape you like - they should be about 1/2 cm thick) and place on a baking sheet.
Whisk together the sauce ingredients and then brush the tofu pieces with it. Flip and brush the other side. Be generous but make sure there's enough left for another brushing. Bake for 10 minutes, then flip, baste with the rest of the sauce and bake another 10 minutes.
If you cut the tofu thicker, it'll need longer in the oven.
I put mine on my favourite Burgen bread with vegan mayo, thinly sliced tomato and brocco-sprouts. YUM!