However, it wasn't all bad, right? RIGHT?
Right! Behind every cloud there is a silver lining, so here are the good bits from 2016!
I found out that I'm going to be an Auntie again in 2017. We booked a venue and started planning our wedding for next year. I got a new job, one I actually like with a boss who is pretty awesome. I already knew I won the lottery when it came to friends and family and I feel so lucky to have had my awesome parents, fiance and friends all there for me through it all.
Again, I already knew the guy I'm marrying is amazing, but dealing with so much difficult stuff together this year has just made us even stronger.
OK OK, onto some less mushy stuff.
Rogue One
It was pretty damn epic. In fact I'm looking forward to going and seeing it again before it leaves the cinema.
We had a day of cinema when this film came out (we planned to watch 5 films in a day but quit after 3) and the BFG was the first one.
This book was my absolute favourite as a kid and I loved the cartoon movie from the late 80s with David Jason as the voice of The BFG. So I had high hopes for this movie and it did not disappoint. I loved it.
I especially loved Jemaine Clement as Fleshlumpeater :)
Zizzi's updated their menu again late this year and added even more vegan options, after introducing vegan cheese for their pizzas earlier in the year. They added a lentil ragu, which I HOPE they never discontinue and a dessert pizza.
Earlier this year Sainsbury's released their new range of vegan cheeses and it was pretty friggin exciting. The taste test video I made has more views than the rest of my videos put together I think hahaha.
Caramelised onion Gary, melted on toast!
TV Shows!
There were quite a few good TV shows this year, I'll start with...
Gilmore Girls - A Year in the Life
I KNOW I wasn't the only one excited for this. I couldn't wait to watch the new episodes and although it wasn't perfect (far from it) I still loved it!
If you want to read some very thorough and awesome reviews of the series, head over to my friend Randi's blog to read her posts about each of the episodes (and spoilers so only if you've already watched!)
there was also
Stranger Things
Everyone seemed obsessed with this one and rightly so, it was brilliant!
I had trouble with this at times and couldn't decide for a few episodes if I was into it, but by the end I was totally hooked and loved it!
The Crown
My most recent obsession! I don't give a flying crap about the monarchy but I do love me a dramatisation like this. And it's fantastically acted.
Sainsbury's Meatless Balls (hehe*)
Sainsbury's updated some of the meat analogues this year, including their meatballs and they are pretty dang amazing!
here they are all saucy and covered in Gary! ooh-er!*In case you're wondering, the answer is no! It will never not be funny :)
Really, I just want to give props to all the brands out there who've brought out even more awesome vegan products, whether accidental or not. Like Oatly and their custard and creme fraiche, Quorn nuggets, fillets and spicy burgers, Alpro dessert moments and new ice creams... more and more stuff is appearing every day.
And also to the chain restaurants who are starting to realise we exist. I mentioned Zizzi's above but also Bella Italia, Harvester*, Toby Carvery, Ask Italian, Nando's and Prezzo's all now have at least one vegan option labelled on their menu and most have a pudding that's suitable too. (*I still haven't found a Harvester near me that has the new menu, but hopefully some day soon it'll arrive!)
Skechers Memory Foam Trainers
I know I know, I'm getting old, but dammit they're just so damn comfy!
I've deliberately left out makeup and beauty items, because I'll be filming a video on my 2016 beauty favourites.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to whoever is reading this, for staying with me this year, whether you're new here or not. Have an awesome New Year's eve no matter what you do and I'll see you in 2017.
Also, if anyone is celebrating their veganniversary tomorrow (like me - 9 years!), happy veganniversary.
So eff off 2016, you're no longer welcome; 2017 we're counting on you!!
Love & smooches
Sal xXx