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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

GOSH Xtreme Liquid Gel Liners

I have a new BFF! The Xtreme Liquid Gel Liners from GOSH and they are awesome!  

Ever since I stopped buying Bourjois, I've been looking for a liquid liner to replace the one I used to love. I've tried a few different ones but so far this is my favourite.

I'm picky. It has to be a nice thin consistency, smooth, a brush I can work with and it has to stay on all day.  This ticks all the boxes for me and it comes in 9 shades, 8 of which are vegan (shade 007 Lavender is the non-vegan one!).

So here's a terrible photo of the packaging

Swatches of the 3 shades I have:
Top - Bottom: Black, Bronze, Royal Blue

Here is the applicator
It's nice and fine so you can draw a thin line with it easily. It's more like a pen type nib than a brush, which I don't normally like, but this one's really flexible and easy to use.

Here's Royal Blue on my eyeball.  I think it's more of a bright cornflower colour than royal blue but either way, it's lovely.

I would definitely recommend picking up one (or more of these). They retail for £5.99 (although Superdrug online has them for £3.99 right now) and you can get them from Superdrug.

There's a list of vegan GOSH items HERE.

Have a great week all.

Love & Stuff
Sal xXx


Monday, 11 May 2015

Chaostheorie Berlin

My last post about Berlin is about my favourite place we went to, Chaostheorie.

Mr A had happy cow'd what was around us when we were in Vego Foodworld and found a place just up the road that sold vegan baileys.  Only problem was it was packed when we got there and it's pretty small. So we decided to go back the next night, before dinner.

The barman was awesome, he was super friendly and we asked if they did any other vegan stuff besides the baileys and he said everyone was vegan! Win!  Then when he found out I was vegan, he gave us loads of advice and recommendations for restaurants etc (one of which was Lucky Leek, which I had already booked for the next night, so I was pretty happy about that).  

We decided to have a cocktail and a baileys but the baileys had almost run out so he pretty much drained the bottle into a shot glass for us so we could have a taste.

Mr A ordered a cocktail off the board, I think it was called the Chaos Colada and the barman said that there was a rule with that cocktail "if you puke inside or out on the pavement and I have to clear it up, you pay me 15 euro".  So I asked what the eff was in it and apparently pretty much everything.  So we changed our order.  We ended up asking him to make us some cocktails that he thought we'd like and use the fancy gin!  Mine (left) had pink grapefruit in and was really good.  Mr A's had basil and lime in and was also excellent.

He asked us to hashtag any pictures on instagram with #fettundbetrunken.  My GCSE German is rusty so all I could make out was "fat and ....?" "DRUNK!"  Awesome.

Then I took a look at the menu and decided we needed to come back the next day for brunch. Hot Croissants &; Sandwiches, sweet or savoury!

And so we did.  We ordered caramel lattes, obviously.

And then the owner came in and said she'd seen my instagram pics and made a new batch of baileys just because I hadn't been able to get a full one the night before. Seriously, I haven't had baileys in over 7 years and this is what I remember it tasting like. YUMMY!

I had a sandwich, I think it was the double cheese & meatball. I do know it was awesomely filthy.

The next day we'd planned to go to Ohlala before flying home; but it was closed.  Ah well, back to Chaostheorie - wooooo!!

We had milkshakes. I had the snickers one, so peanut butter and chocolate and Mr A had the Manner Wafer one. It tasted like nutella and it was freakin incredible.

Another latte!

I picked the chaos croissant which has cheese, salami and hot sauce and it is pretty ace. Mr A had had this the day before and I won't lie, I was jealous of it.  This day he had the bolognaise croissant but can I find that picture anywhere? No I cannot.  I will edit this post with it if I ever do though. It was also spankingly ace.

And because we are piggy trufflers (and it was our last day) we also got cake. Delicious, awesome, peanut butter cake. SO GOOD!

(Sorry for the crap blurry pic, another one I couldn't find so I literally had to screen cap it off instagram!)

Yeah I was pretty excited about vegan baileys!

I think you can tell how much I loved this place. I loved everything about it, the food, the baileys, the staff, the vibe of it. It would definitely be number 1 on my list of places to go back there next time!

So that's it for my Berlin food adventures. I loved it sooo much and I can't wait to go back. Hopefully it won't be too long.

Have a good week everyone.


Friday, 8 May 2015

Lucky Leek, Berlin

Today, my next post about Berlin is all about the food we had at Lucky Leek. This was where we wanted to eat on Valentines Day evening, but of course it was fully booked. So I booked us in for Sunday for our romantic (fancy) meal.

This is the fanciest vegan meal I've EVER had; not just fancy either, but also AMAZING.  Everything was delicious, I seriously couldn't fault a single thing I tried.

From the menu you pick how many courses you want, there's basically 1 option for each course. Then there's also the specials.

We started with a cocktail, I picked a Kir Royale (which is basically Creme de Cassis and Champagne or Prosecco) and it was excellent.

Mr A and I both decided on a starter and a main and if there was room, we'd order pudding. But to start with they brought us out a little amuse bouche! Crap pic sorry and I don't really remember the details of it except that the little spoons had some seitan in there and I said to Mr A 'ooh that's pleasant'.  So yeah, awesome review there, Sal!

For the starter we both picked the same dish: Sweet chestnut filled ravioli with red onion confit, pumpernickel and some vegan feta.  It was really good. It had crispy fried onions on top, the pasta was perfect and it was just the right size for a first course.

For Mr A's main he picked off the specials menu. It was a mango risotto, which I thought sounded gross but it was delicious. It had a very delicate curry flavour and some really yummy poppadom crisps!

I picked off the regular menu and chose the Seitan Involtini.  No idea what Involtini is but my lard this was freaking amazing. I've made some good seitan in my time, at least I thought I had until I tried this. Hands down kicks the crap outta any seitan I've ever tasted before. I don't know how they got that texture but it was amazing. Maybe they sold their soul to get it like that??  

And it came on a bed of cucumber mash. Which I know, sounds weird and like the cucumber would overpower everything. But no, imagine the best mashed potato ever, then multiply the awesomeness by 10! The cucumber in it is braised so it's very subtle.  I think I said to Mr A that I would happily roll around in a vat of that mash!  We'd had a bottle of wine by then though!

We were both too full for dessert but as I said ... there was wine!

My last Berlin post will be up next week so for now, have an awesomesauce weekend peeps.


Tuesday, 5 May 2015

A crap tonne of food from Berlin

Errmm it's been a while huh!

So back in February, Mr Alien took me to Berlin for our first Valentines Day together (what, it's only taken 3 months to blog about it!).  There'll be 3 posts because Berlin is freaking epic for vegan food and we went to a couple of places that quite frankly deserved their own post.

So this post is the best of the rest, if you like.

Starting with our first meal. We wanted some fast junk and decided on the Vego Foodworld Cafe for burgers.

We started with almond milk hot chocolates, sooo yummy.

Then we both ordered burgers.  I got the cheeseburger and fries

Mr. A got the Chili cheese burgers.

These burgers were insanely good.  Probably the best vegan burger I've ever had. Mr A isn't vegan and he said that it was in his top 10 burger EVER. So high praise indeed.

Dessert was a vego bar of course; because it would have been rude not to!

Back at the hotel, we grabbed a couple of cocktails in the bar. Mr A went for a breaking bad mojito, which had blue rocks in it, hehehe.

I had a bellini, always a wise choice!

They also gave us fancy bar snacks!

 I also got pretty excited to find Manner Wafers in the vending machine! I freakin love these things.

The next day was V-Day and we went to Veganz supermarket. I was sooo excited to go to this place and it didn't disappoint.  So much awesome stuff, I so wish I had one of these near me.

Mr A queued up at the baker counter to buy us some cakes for valentine's day dessert and he also picked me up this super cute unicorn sugar cookie; he gets me! :)

errrrrm I may have gone a wee bit nuts in Veganz!

We had tried to get into Lucky Leek for vday dinner but it was full so we booked it for Sunday and instead decided to go low-key and grabbed falafels!

It was just a little place round the corner from Chaostheorie, where we had been for cocktails first (look out for my Chaostheorie post later this week).

Then we went back to the hotel and ate the cake we bought at veganz

This chocolate cake was freakin incredible. That frosting was delightful, chocolatey mousse and I was pretty in love with it. I didn't even care that we had no cutlery, I could've just smooshed my face into and been fine. SO. GOOD!

This one was a raspberry cheesecake; I wasn't so into this one but Mr A liked it!

Saturday morning, we busted out the google maps, jumped on the s-bahn and headed to Viasko for brunch.

Weekend brunch at Viasko is a buffet and we started with caramel lattes.

Here's a pic of the buffet, it's 100% vegan and 100% awesome!

That bread!! OMG, awesome. Like a pretzel. This must be a german thing because all the bakeries have similar bread and holy crapholes it's delicious.

This buffet had sooo much awesome stuff, tofu, spring rolls, salads, fried potatoes, seitan, little fried savoury cake this. It was epic.

There was also cake! This was a fruity little pastry / custard number that both of us enjoyed.

 There was also these super fluffy pancakes with apple in and this fruity / spiced cake. Also amazing!

I really really LOVED Viasko, I would've gone back for sure if we'd been there longer than a couple of days.  It was brilliant and definitely worth the trip to find it!

I absolutely loved Berlin and two of my favourite places I've ever eaten were Lucky Leek & Chaostheorie. Please look out for those posts later this week. So for now, here's a dumb selfie of Mr A & I whilst out sightseeing.
