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Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Hoppy Noo Yar!

Well helloooo and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas / Holiday season if you were celebrating.  Midnight on New Year's Day marked my 6th Veganniversary, 6 years of radness!  If you also celebrated a veganniversary on 1st January - happy radiversary to you!!

Just a few pics today.  I'm working on a big post of some of my favourite things from 2013.  I'm thinking of including beauty / random stuff in there too - not just food... what do you guys think, do you wanna see that?  (As an aside, ff you are interested in beauty related veganness, I am working on revamping and relaunching my neglected makeup blog and making it fully vegan.  I will post a link here when it's done!)

Anyway onto the food.  Saturday i went down to Brighton to hang out with my buddies Jojo and Holley and we went to Moshimo for dinner. Mainly because we were hungry and it was right opposite the pub we were in, drinking gin in a tin! I can't go to Moshimo and not have their fried veggie gyoza dumplings, because my stomach would be super mad at me for depriving it of them, they are delicious.

I usually have the duck terriyaki (it's made with redwoods duck style pieces) but I decided to branch out and have the Veggie Yaki Udon.  You get the choice to have it with vegan duck or chicken pieces, I chose duck (Holley had chicken). It was pretty good, if a little underwhelming. Although when I did as Holley suggested and poured the dipping sauce from the gyoza over it, it made it quite a lot better! Weird. 

I know I know, you're sick of me raving about Isa Does It by now, right? Tough tittay, because I made (and loved) something else from it - the meaty beany chilli. I halved the recipe and still got 4 meals out of this!  First, just the chilli with some basmati rice.

Then  taco night x 2, both looked pretty much like this...

The last of it I had with some home made potato wedges on Friday night and a sprinkle of vegan cheese.  I didn't take a pic though.

Lastly, this is not super exciting looking but .... THE UK HAS SOY MINCE AGAIN!! YAYYY!   It's been AWOL from the shops for months and although I try not to eat fake meat products too too often, it's nice for a quick tea now and again. This is just cooked with some jarred pasta sauce and served on rigatoni, with some noochy garlic toast. Yum.

So what is gonna be new for you in 2014?  For me, it's already a year of change, I have quite my job,  after 13 years in basically the same role (skuurry). I'm working on starting a business and am busy busy busy wondering how I'm going to afford my salsa class next week! hahaha.  Wish me luck for some temp work or something.

I am not one for new year's resolutions as I never stick to them but I have promised myself I'll make some changes to make my lifestyle healthier and to spend more time and effort on my blog(s), so hopefully you'll see this tired old Alien facade get a bit of a facelift fairly soon.



  1. Happy new year, and lots of luck wished. :) Some exciting and big changes!
    Please keep talking about Isa Does It, one of my favourite new cookbooks. :)
    No new years resolutions here, I am not one for new year. I am like the New Year Grinch!

  2. Happy radiversary, Sal! Looks like you've started off the year deliciously. I got Isa Does It for Christmas! So far I've only made the dilly stew with rosemary dumplings (can't remember the exact name of the recipe) and it was the best.

    I definitely want to see beauty/random stuff! Show us the random stuff! :D

    Good luck with the new business, Sal! You can do it!

  3. It all looks so good! You rock star you.

  4. Dear friends, Brahmakumaris are vegetarian... and emphasize that a vegetarian diet feeds the soul as well as the body. There is Brahmakumaris meditation...that relaxes the mind...nurtures a healthy balance between inner and outer worlds... recharge... rejuvenate the inner-self... From Gita


speak to me, yo!