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Thursday, 8 March 2018

Alien on Toast is 10!

So this Monday just gone, my blog turned 10. TEN!! I can't believe I have been blogging for a decade, where did that time go?

Back then I had only been vegan a couple of months, was living in a little flat, on my own, in my late 20s, finding my feet with veganism. I found it frustrating to eat out as NOWHERE really understood vegan!

Skip forward 10 years, I'm a newlywed (technically still? I dunno), about to move house again hopefully in the next few months with my awesome husband. Still vegan YAY but in a world where it is SO much easier to be vegan.

New products being released all the time, almost all chain restaurants and even pubs (which were always the most difficult) releasing vegan menus.

My blog has changed a lot over the years. It started off with this POST! Most of my posts back then were just pic spam of what I'd eaten recently. Usually terrible photos taken with flash!

I can't say my photography has improved that much, but the pic spam has gone, as now we have Instagram, that's really replaced those kinds of posts.

I blog about food and beauty now and I have a youtube channel, something I never thought I'd wanna do back then.

I guess all this waffle is really to say THANK YOU! To whoever is reading this. Whether you've been with me since 2008 or since today, I appreciate every single one of you that clicks on a blog post or watches a video.

And because I love you so much, I'm doing a giveaway. Maybe more than 1, stay tuned. I haven't exactly figured out what will be in it yet, but I've started putting it together. So watch this space or follow me on Twitter / Instagram or Youtube if you want to know about it when it's ready.

Sending you all love and cake! Hey maybe I need to make a blog birthday cake?

Sal xXx


speak to me, yo!