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Monday, 14 March 2016

Lee Stafford Hair - Updated Vegan Product List


Communication from June 2017:

I am back to update this post again! I contacted Lee Stafford's manufacturers just to double check their animal testing policy hadn't changed (the website is not that clear) and here's there response and a list of the current vegan items is below that. (My questions in purple, their responses after):

- could you confirm if you (or any 3rd parties) test finished product OR ingredients on animals? No neither the products or ingredients are tested on animals by us or third parties.
- could you confirm that you ensure your suppliers are cruelty free? Yes it is a legal requirement that only ingredients that comply with this testing ban are used in our products.
- Could you confirm whether you sell your products in mainland china (or any market that requires mandatory testing)? No we do not sell our products in China or any markets that require animal testing

Please see a list below of products that are suitable for vegans:


Arganoil Anti Frizz Serum Spray
ArganOil from Morocco Heat Defence Spray
ArganOil from Morocco Miracle Shine Spray
ArganOil from Morocco Shampoo
ArganOil from Morocco  Nourishing Oil
Arganoil Night Repair Serum
Arganoil Nourishing Miracle Mist
Arganoil Pre Shampoo Treatment
Arganoil Shine Spray
Arganoil Ultra Hydration Lotion
Beach BaBe Sea Salt Spray
Big fat Healthy hair conditioner
Big Fat Healthy Shampoo
Big Fat Root Boost Mousse Spray
Bleach Blondes Conditioner
Bleach Blondes Golden Girl Oil
Bleach Blondes Hot Shots
Bleach Blondes Kiss Of Colour Pink Treatment
Bleach Blondes Shampoo
Choco Locks Chocolate Shake
Choco Locks Conditioner
Choco Locks Gloss Boss
Choco Locks Shampoo
Coconut Dry Shampoo
Coconut Hair Spray
Coconut Mousse
Double Blow Mousse
Dry Shampoo original
Every Day Blondes Shampoo 
Fat Flexible Hold Hair Spray 
Fix It Detangler
Hair Growth Scalp Scrub
Hair Growth Scalp Serum
Heat Protection Original 
Hold Tight Spray
Light Serum Spray
Lived In Spray
Messed Up Wax Spray
Poker Straight Conditioner
Poker Straight Flat Iron Spray
Poker Straight Serum
Poker Straight Shampoo
Professional Straightening Iron Mist
Sea Salt foam Conditioner
Sea Salt Leave In Conditioner
Sea Salt Mud Mask
Sea Salt Shampoo
Shine Head Spray

What's your fave Lee Stafford product?
Sal xXx


  1. Do you know if they test on animals?

    1. They don't. I don't feature brands on here that do animal test.

  2. Any idea where to get products? Apparently ulta isn't carrying them anymore :(

    1. I am in the uk and buy from Boots. I'm afraid I don't know about US stockists.

  3. Any idea where to get products? Ulta apparently isnt carrying this anymore

  4. I'm a little concerned that at least two of the products on this list (coconut hairspray and hold tight hairspray) contain silk proteins and are advertised as such yet they told you that they're vegan.

    1. I will double check with them, thanks for letting me know.

    2. I double checked and these products do not have silk proteins in, they are definitely vegan.

  5. My favorite is Bleach Blondes Shampoo and the Sea Salt Spray.


speak to me, yo!