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Tuesday, 11 August 2009

28 Days Later......

So Sunday was day 28 of my 4 week cleansey diety thing. It's now over and I’m happy everyone – HAPPY!!! WHY? Because it’s over you’re thinking, right right?? No! it’s because I weighed in as I said I would and I lost 9 pounds. WOOP!! I lost 2 inches off my waist and one off my hips.

I’ve still got a fair way to go but eating healthier and keeping up with the gym has definitely made me feel better about myself.

I alread avoid refined sugar where I can but I won’t stay gluten-free, as it doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of difference to the way I feel. When it comes to wheat, I'll use it still but only occasionally (like today!). I usually use spelt flour for baking now anyway as I like the fact you can still get fluffy cakes / muffins etc even if you use the wholemeal version.

My favourite change I made is cutting out my usual toast & vegemite for breakfast and having juice and a smoothie instead. I find this holds me over way better. I'll probably also stick to having salads for lunch most days, unless I have leftovers!

But back onto the food and my last couple of days of G-free etc.... I made soup on Sunday night. It was minestrone with gluten free pasta in it. I can't honestly say it was all that great, but the roasted asparagus and hummus I had with it was pretty damn good!

Friday night and I looked forward to this all day at work. Pizza!! I bought some Dove's Farm Gluten Free bread flour to make the crust (I've just seen on their website they do a brown bread flour, I've never seen that in shops but would definitely buy it if I did). I used 1.5 cups, added a sachet of instant yeast, some herbs, onion powder and salt & pepper, then added about 1.25 cups of warm water mixed with a tsp each of agave and olive oil. It was a pretty sticky dough, I added enough flour to be able to pick it up. But instead of trying to roll it and pick it up, I rolled it straight onto the pizza stone.

Instead of tomato sauce, I used red pepper hummus and topped it with fresh tomato, sweetcorn, spring onion, mushrooms & asparagus. Then sprinkled it with oregano, black pepper and nooch! It was really good. I wouldn't say it was the greatest crust ever but still .... good.

Saturday night I went to visit my friend in Banbury but between the gym and travelling I only really had time to cook something quick for lunch. I made baked polenta fries! They were sooooo good, but a bit too soft. I'm working on them so recipe coming soon.

Today I had a wheat-ified meal. Wholewheat noodles and a lazy spin on my Alien on Pasta. I used coriander pesto (didn't have any basil) and half a tin of tomatoes instead of fresh. I also added in a pinch of red chilli flakes for a bit of heat. The other changes I made was leaving out the yellow pepper, tomato puree and nooch (I put some in the pesto and sprinkled some on top as well instead) and used a finely sliced onion instead of the shallot. Good!!

I tried to get a decent pic of my smoothie this morning because it was so damn ugleh! But pretty damn tasty - banana, soymilk, agave, allspice, peanut butter and hemp protein powder. Protein powder makes everything ugly!



  1. Awesome! Great job on a 28 day cleanse and hooray for 9 lbs!

    Yeah, I'm all for experimenting with gluten free, but the first thing I'm making when I'm done my cleanse next week is some setian hot wings and some chickpea cutlets. Really glad I'm not allergic to gluten.

  2. the presentation of the pasta looks great!

  3. Congrats on making it to 28 days and loosing some inches along the way, well done. I have a gym membership & live across from the gym but I suck at actually getting off my butt & going!

  4. Wa-hey on the weight loss!!! That's brill considering how well you've been eating too! Those polenta fries look soooo good!!! Recipe soon I hope!

  5. Congrats! And now I want to try making polenta friiiiiiiiies!

  6. polenta fries! That sounds delish.

  7. WOW! 9 pounds is awesome Sal GO YOU!!
    I enjoy a smoothie for breakfast too - it's such a great way to get lots of goodies into my poor old body - lol.
    I've been using Spelt Flour in my last two batches of Banana Bread and I definitely prefer the texture it gives. I'll have to try using it in Cakes next time.

  8. Huzzah!! That hummus on pizza is such a good idea!! Mmm..

  9. Sal I am so happy for you!!! 9lbs is amazing, especially after just 28 days. You are a rock star, baby!

  10. Congrats on the weight loss, that is just awesome!

    I'll have to try you shake idea... I just bought hemp protein powder myself, and am sad to say that I find it wholly unpalatable just mixed into a beverage.

  11. that pasta sounds really good!

  12. It's funny, that smoothie looks like my sourdough starter! Congrats on the weightloss. It's great that your cleanse was such a success. Keep up the good eating!

  13. nine pounds and 3 inches lost is so awesome, Sal! i'm glad you're feeling glorious, too! i find that the smoothies 'n juice hold me over for longer as well. i've gotta agree that protein powder uglies up a good smoothie. the hemp protein i have is pretty brown and kinda green, too - it's not pretty, but it's suuuuper tasty! your pesto looks so good - i love how you decorated the dish, and the pizza looks most awesome - never did i think to put corn on a pizza. totally gonna have to give it a whirl - i bet it's yummers, fo 'sho! i'm sorry your soup was a bit disappointing, but i'm glad the roasted asparagus and hummus was stellar! i cannot wait for your polenta fries recipe! oooooh, yay!

  14. Good job on your 28 day cleanse! Cleansing can be a bit difficult, but definitely worth it. I enjoyed mine because it got me thinking outside of the box and revved up my creative culinary thinking!

    All of the food pics are just beautiful, yummmy pasta!

  15. ah! I've been thinking about using hummus for a sauce substitute on pizza for ever. it looks nommy.


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