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Monday, 16 May 2011

An apology and a bake sale!

Hey all,

So sorry for not posting for ages again. Firstly I moved house and my camera has been stuck in a box ever since!

Secondly my lovely acid reflux or whatever it is* has meant that pretty much everything I eat is making me have pain. So the stuff I've been eating really isn't blog worthy, as I can't eat anything except super plain, bland and boring crap right now.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to post to say if you are anywhere near the Brighton area, the first vegan bake sale is taking place on Saturday 28th May, outside the Wai Kika Moo Kau cafe in the lanes. I'll be there along with some other blogger friends, so please come by and say hello and of course, buy a cake!

Brighton Bake Sale Ad 336 x 280

Hope to see you there!!

Love & stuff

* I'm seeing a consultant next month so hopefully I'll be able to stop living off mashed potato and rice soon and get back to business with this blog.


  1. Alien on toast = awesome.

  2. Wonderful! Fantastic!
    See you there!!

  3. 'Scuse me for butting in - it's my first time reading your blog. I'm not vegan, do not need GF but - I'm drooling over your recipes!

    My butting actually involves your possible acid reflux (although maybe you have found that it is not acid reflux or maybe you've found a solution to it).
    My suggestion is to raise the top end of your bed - by a number of inches.
    Do it gradually so you can find out how high you can go - without feeling like you are in a laundry chute, and find a height that will ease the reflux.

    Start with a chunk of wood under each of the legs of your bed at the headboard - each with a piece of two by four. Follow that with two pieces of two by four. Then maybe a one by four - which
    will make the head of your bed five inches higher than the foot.
    That height works for someone I know.

    Just a suggestion from a newcomer,
    janeyknitting AT yahoo DOT ca
    (Change caps to symbols and lose the spaces.)

  4. Sorry to hear about your acid reflux. That blows.


speak to me, yo!