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Friday, 10 May 2013

I can't think of a post title.

Woo woo it's Friday.  I hope everyone's week has been mighty fine.  We actually has some lovely weather over the bank holiday so we decided to have another barbecue.  You have to make the most of the weather in the UK as it seems to have buggered off again and we're not sure when it will return!
My plate was pretty similar to the last post, only I made a bean salad with green & kidney beans, some fresh sweetcorn and a bit of red pepper.  We ran out of garlic so had to make do with regular bread - oh the hardship!

This was just a quicky dinner I did last week. I was gonna make risotto but I did have the rice I thought I had so I used bulghur wheat instead. Pretty simple, I just cooked the bulghur in veggie stock and while it was cooking I roasted up some chunks of butternut squash, some asparagus and some mushrooms.  Then add the end I stirred in the squash and some peas. 
Last Saturday was my gorgeous Godson's christening and my best friend asked me to make cupcakes for the do afterwards.  I did chocolate with coconut icing (pink wrappers) and choc chip with orange icing (blue wrappers).  They went down pretty well, but then who doesn't love a cupcake?

Last night I was gonna make sausage & mash, as I bought some Linda Mc sausages on my lunch break, but instead I decided to cook the potatoes with a bit of onion in veggie stock.  This is something that was in an ancient weight watchers book that mum & I used to love once upon a time.  I forgot how good potatoes are when they are cooked this way. Plus you get gravy all cooked into it, so don't have to dirty a jug making bisto! WIN.
This meal was one that I got 2 meals out of, yay leftovers!  I made up a quick bolognaisey type sauce with some Linda Mc Cartney Mince, chopped onion, courgette & pepper and some jarred tomato sauce for a super quick tea.
Then the next day, I added some spices and lots of chilli and fresh coriander and used it to fill tacos. Perfect for when you're running short of time, like I often am on a week night.

And lastly - breakfast from Wai Kika Moo Kau the other weekend.  I went to Brighton to hang out with Jojo as it was the last time I'll see her for a bit, as she's off on her travels to America for a while.  This was a pretty good brekkie, although the tofu was a bit soft for me.  I have a weird thing about tofu texture (remnants of gallstone-inflicted food aversions!) and I tend to overcook it a bit so it is chewy!  But the rest was good and I really like it in there.

Have a rad weekend!



  1. Yummy eats, as always.
    I had Linda Mc mince for the first time ever the other day, it was very delicious!

  2. Some lovely food! That's what I do with my spag bol leftovers, well nearly, I add chilli powder and kidney beans to make a kick ass chilli and get some chip shop chips to go with it :) Yummy! Your spag bol looks very pretty too, very professional looking.

  3. I'll take a taco and follow it up with a cupcake! I am funny about textures too, squishy tofu is a bit off-putting!


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