I bought this cute little Cheek Stamp a while ago from SEVENTEEN (CV); it's a big gimmicky and the applicator stamp is a bit pants but it does go on with it (although you'll need to blend it out afterwards) and it's actually a pretty nice, very subtle blush.
I got the colour Blushin' which is a very pale baby pink with a bit of shimmer This just shows up on my pale skin as a nice flush of pink but deeper skin tones might want to go for one of the darker ones.
(*SEVENTEEN confirmed to me by email that this product is vegan.)
Outer packaging

Inner packaging
Applicator with some product on
the product itself
I wasn't going to post the swatch because to be honest you can't see the product that well, if at all! I swear it shows up on the cheek, although as I said it's very subtle.

I wouldn't class this as a fail product at all, although it's nothing spectacular. But it's a good shade for days when I'm doing either minimal makeup, or when I don't want much on the cheeks.
There's a few different shades of this available and I will probably pick up a couple more next time I'm in town because Boots are running a 3 for 2 right now! :)
Happy humpday all.
Love & Stuff
Sal xXx
Oh yay, I was looking at these in Boots the other day as I'm a sucker for gimmicky packaging with make-up. Gonna pick one up later :)