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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Freedom Makeup

So a while ago I noticed a new brand in Superdrug, called Freedom. I talked a little about them in my most recent favourites post because I am in love with some of their items.

But before I fell in love with some of their products, I wrote to them to be sure they were animal friendly and to ask about vegan products. They are Makeup Revolution's sister brand, so I was 99% sure they would be fine. Here's their response (my questions in purple, their responses in red):

Hi Sal,
Please see comments below:
 (I asked them to confirm...)
- you do not test ingredients or final products on animals? Correct
you do not employ anyone to do this on your behalf? Correct
- do you ensure your ingredient suppliers do not animal test? Yes we do
- do you distribute your products in mainland china? We do not distribute in China, however we may have customers who order our products through the website, but these would not have to be tested.
- are you a private company or owned by a parent, and if a parent, which company? We are not owned by a parent company
We hope this helps
Freedom Hub

And on the issue of vegan products?....

"We can confirm that we do not test our products nor ingredients on animals and neither do any third parties (and we are not owned by a parent company). We cannot claim that our products are vegan friendly but we are looking into this soon as we get a lot of requests for this."

So basically, the same stock reply that Revolution give. So as with brands like Revolution and MUA, you have to read the ingredients and decide for yourself if you're ok with them.

The only dodgy ingredient I've seen so far, is urea in their primer water spray, which could or could not be animal based. Aside from that, on the products I've bought so far (including lipsticks!) no beeswax, lanolin or carmine. Win!

Firstly, I have an eyeshadow palette that is lovely and at some point I'll swatch it for you. But at the time of writing this it's too dark to get a decent photo of it for you.

Their brush cleaning soap is fantastic. I personally prefer a solid soap for washing brushes. If you have subscribed to my youtube channel, you might have seen my review of the Real Techniques brush cleansing pad and I show this soap in this video. If you haven't then go do it, what's wrong with you!?  (j/k, love you!) (But seriously go subscribe though!)

In my January favourites post last week, I talked about the pro melt lipgloss/liquid lipsticks which I love! My favourite is Up! but I just ordered a bunch more that came today, so I will swatch those for you too, very soon!

This, I think, is a brilliant bargain. This little box of lippies is £5 or £6 and you get 5 full sized lipsticks. I bought the pinks and they are all lovely colours.

L-R: Flushed, Pink Lust, Tell Your Friends, Wildflower and Candy Sweet

And also mentioned in my faves post, the eyebrow powder. Soft, blendable and pigmented. It's fab! This is the shade Soft Brown, I usually just use the lighter shade on my brows.

I also have a correct/conceal palette, which is ok but doesn't blow me away. The texture is a little too thin, if that makes sense. I would prefer it be a bit thicker so that it stayed on a little better. But for a fiver, can't really complain! :)

Have you tried anything from this brand? I'd love to know what you think!

Sal xXx


  1. I love your make up obsession and dedication to finding cruelty free make up and beauty products! I'm so rubbish with my make up but I've just gone and booked myself a 1:1 2hr make up lesson from cruelty free, vegan make up artist. So flipping excitied! Cost far too much but hey ho.

    1. Awesome! That sounds like a great idea, have fun 😀

  2. Could you please do a blog post, or video on what ingredients to look out for on brands like mua, revolution, freedom I am having a hard time making sense of it all, I wish they would just let us know :(

  3. I may have posted already, doing this from my phone, plus super tired, but could you please do a blog post on what ingredients to avoid when on the lookout for accidentally Vegan makeup.


speak to me, yo!