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Monday, 27 April 2020

Coffee & TV

Fucking shit this lockdown isn't it!

Although, I will start by saying that I'm very very VERY grateful to still have a job - and that it's one I can do from home and that I'm locked down with my favourite human and my lovely floofball.

I haven't done as much baking as I thought I would! So far I've tried veganising Cupcake Jemma's choc chip New York cookies, which were great but still need a bit of tweaking before I share more.

I made some baked donuts - video coming on these very soon :)

I did also make a trifle, but I don't seem to have a pic of it. Although I do have a pic of the state of my pan after I burnt the custard!

We also decided to try and be one of the cool kids and make the dalgona coffee which everyone is making. It's pretty good!

I also did a very disappointing poll on my insta stories. If you voted Fizzers, then I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed!

I'm also finished with season 2 of Killing Eve so can now start S3 (no spoilers) and Simon & I have started the new season of Bosch. We also watched Tiger King but that's a whole other post of problematic shite that I don't have the brain power for!

How are you doing?

How are you passing time? What have you watched / baked / created?

Loads love
Sal xXx

Oh PS: if you wanna watch my latest video, I wouldn't be mad at you!


  1. 1. You are hilarious.
    2. I love your tiny little whisk.
    3. I'm keeping my sanity and I'm actually pretty excited about what I posted today (stuffing dumplings)! Innovation abounds when I'm not in The Dark Place. And when I am, I mostly have tea and chocolate and hide under the covers.


speak to me, yo!