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Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Review: MyVegan (MyProtein) Clear Vegan Protein Powder

OK so I know that I'm almost a month late on the end of Veganuary update from Simon, but I'll get him to do that. In the meantime, I thought I'd talk about a new product I tried out this week.

MyVegan (MyProtein) clear vegan protein powder. Clear Protein? What? That sounds too good to be true. It is a bit! So here's a review.

TL:DR: Overall I like it, but if you want more info, keep reading :)

I've tried SO. many. vegan proteins and basically hate them all. They're either sweetened with stevia which is horrible or just have a nasty texture. I can deal with the grittiness even, but some just have a weird lumpy texture that makes me gag.

I just bought the Vivolife Salted Maca Caramel that all the YouTubers rave about and that shiz is expensive! But I'm sorry to say they're either all lying because they're being paid a lot of money or their tastebuds are dead from all the four sigmatic mushroom crap they're paid to drink. (I'm being a PMSing bitch... maybe they just don't mind stevia). I hate stevia and it makes this protein undrinkable on it's own. Also the claims that it isn't gritty are wrong, it is. As I said I could deal with the texture, but that friggin stevia!

So onto another new option. This is the packaging (there are only 2 flavours of the vegan protein at the moment, Lemon/Lime and Strawberry); I picked this flavour as the strawberry was out of stock at the time I ordered.

The claim is that you shake it up, then let it settle and it's completely clear and no powdery texture, like you normally get with protein powders.

The Pros:
The claim above is definitely true, once mixed and the bubbles have settled, it is clear and it doesn't have that gritty, unpleasant texture. It just tastes like lemon/lime squash! Amazing. I should say it smells REALLY bad when you add the water, but by the time it's mixed and settled that smell has gone.

It is sweetened with Sucralose and not Stevia - thank dog! So if, like me, you're a stevia hater, you might find this ok. I am personally not a fan of any artificial sweeteners as I just find them TOO sweet and usually have a weird aftertaste. Sucralose is the best of the bunch though in my opinion.

I find this protein to be WAY sweet with 250-300ml of water, I ended up adding about double that to make it palatable. I am someone that has piss weak squash though and generally prefer to just add lemon or lime juice to water.

It has 10g of protein (also a con, more on that in a bit) and has some B vits in too!

The Cons:
The price - it's £24.99 for 20 servings, the non-vegan one is £21.99 for 20 servings; although it doesn't sound that much of a price difference (and vegan options are usually more expensive), the non-vegan (whey) version gives you 20g of protein per serving compared to 10g in the vegan version. So to get the same amount of protein, you'd need a double serving - which makes it over double the price! Uncool!

(If you do want to buy this, make sure you find a discount code - some YouTubers have them listed on their videos. I used Naturally Stefanie's code and I think I got about 35% off! I think that was a special though as her website states 20% off)

Also, the non-vegan version has 5 flavours and there are currently 2 vegan flavours.

The packaging - although it states it's fully recyclable, it's a decent sized container that you need to find room in a cupboard for (not easy if you have a kitchen as tiny as mine!) and do you see where my thumb is? That's the level of the product! So it's only half-full which make the size of the tub just silly in my view.

So overall I'll probably buy it again, because I don't use protein powder that often, so it is not likely I'd have to buy 3 tubs of this a month. If you're someone who uses protein every day though, it might not be the best option.

What do you think? Have you tried this product? Would you?



  1. I've been wondering about this. I haven't seen/heard about clear protein powder, but I've seen "protein water" packaged in stores. It has always been whey and I am not interested in it really. I don't mind stevia, but I agree, protein powder companies just for NUTS and add WAAAAAY too much. l will only add just a teeeny amount to my smoothies to make it a little bit sweeter.

  2. I hate it when they halfway fill packages! It takes up too much space in my kitchen and is just so wasteful!


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