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Monday, 11 May 2009

Tell me why..... I don't like Mondays!

How much do Mondays suck! Today was just one of those crap Mondays. However, the sun is shining though so it's not all bad!

Just a few pics today. I made a few things last week that were pretty cack so didn't bother to take a picture of them.

This one is yet another attempt to make something similar to Wagamama's Yasai Itame - I still don't have it, but this was not bad.

I had some coconut milk leftover from the soup so I made a quick stir fry, added some cooked spelt wheat and added some of the coconut milk to it. It was pretty damn good!

Friday night I had 4 girlfriends round for dinner and I totally forgot to take pics of the food. I made beanburgers and spicy rice and a salad of green beans. It was good. I did get a pic of pud though - chocolate orange cake (wheat-free, for my wheat-intolerant friend). There were absolutely no leftovers from dinner or dessert, so it's safe to say it went down well!

Lastly - yesterday's Sunday: soup & sarnie. I made some homemade wraps and filled them with curry tofu and salad - they were killer and I made 2 so today I had the leftover one for lunch and it was even better today.

And the soup was just a bunch of veg I had in the fridge (sweetcorn, onions, fennel, yellow pepper, chickpeas & a tomato), with some stock, tomato puree, a couple of spoonfuls of instant mashed potato flakes and the last of the light coconut milk. Luckily there was enough left as I couldn't be bothered to cook when I got home today, so I had the leftovers.

That's all for now, I'm off to watch click flicks and try to stop myself eating pretzels and speculoos spread out of the jar (I already ate the chocolate spread last night!!)


  1. Because they're crap? I'm obsessed with Wagamamas Yasai Itame so any variation on that sounds good to me! And that cake looks very moreish!!

  2. your homemade wraps look awesome! How do you get them so thin?

  3. I hate `em too...mostly because it's the start of the work week!

    Looks like you've been eating good, especially that cake!! My mom is GF, so I'm always on the lookout for stuff she can have.

  4. sorry your monday is kinda "meh", Sal! i hope your tuesday is better! your eatz look super scrumptious though! you'll get that soup some day - i know you will! i think it looks awesome and your stir-fry looks glorious, too! huzzah for coconut milk goodness! mmmmmmmmmm! that's too sweet that you made a wheat free orange chocolate cake so that all of your friends could enjoy the awesomeness! hooray for some bean burgers, too! gotta love a soup & sammie combination that rocks, especially a sammie that gets better over time! yay!

    now i want pretzels! ahhahahaa! yay!

  5. Oooh yes - Wagamamas Yasai Itame. My step daughter's friend has the cook book for Wagamamas, I'll ask her if that recipe is in there.

    Those wraps look srumpalicious and I'm not at all surprise you and your girlfriends polished off that meal - it loos YUMMAH!

    Hahahahaha - the word verification is swine!!
    I kid you not!

  6. That orange chocolate cake would go so well with the big cup of tea I'm drinking! And your impromptu stir fry looks delish, Sal!

  7. That cake looks awesome. And yes, this Monday was the stinkiest one in a while!

  8. sal, you've got my tummy grumbling! especially over that chocolate orange cake and the curried tofu wrap. yum!

  9. Man, that bread with the chocolate looks soooo good! It all looks good actually.

    Question, does "sud" mean "dessert"? I love learning all these new words (well, new to me). "Sarnie" is my fave!

  10. Laura - I just rolled them out with a rolling pin till they were the same size (ish) as the frying pan!

    haha Bianca! Yeah Pud is pudding, i'm just lazy.

  11. Ooh, yum! I'll take some of that loaf, please.

  12. nomNomNOM... why have I never put my curry in a damn tortilla???

    I knew I'd find the meaning of life if I just kept reading your blog Sal! :)

  13. wrap-alicious! do you make your own wrap bread?

  14. So much good food - the coconut milk stir-fry looks so colorful and varied, and those curry tofu wraps look amazing - sounds like great flavors together.

  15. That chocolate orange cake looks soooo good!

  16. Good food helps even with crappy Mondays, right?
    Now I have this song stuck in my head!

  17. i'm totally hungry after looking at all of your food pix. I'm totally going to have to go to wagamama's again if I'm ever in london again (and I better be!). it must be great if you're putting all of this energy into recreating a dish.

    it's so cool that you have friends over for dinner. i live in the middle of nowhere, plus my house is a disaster zone. I have vowed that by fall, I should have it in good enough shape to have guests over. blah blah blah, excuses, excuses, right?

    the wraps look amazing.

  18. I haven't had Wagamama's Yasai Itame but your attempt looks delish!


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