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Thursday, 24 December 2009

Snow is fallin' all around me....

.... OK the snowing stopped, but you gotta love a bit of Shaky at Chrimbo!

It's Christmas Eve - YAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! I love Christmas and I'm in the process of making the food for tonight and getting the flat ready for my friends to come round before we go out!

So onto the food pics. I dug out my battered old breville sandwich toaster the other day to make this awesome sarnie, I called it pizza toasted sarnie, because it really was pizza-y! That's mozarella cheezly, tomatoes, black pepper and dried oregano. YUMMO.

Gooey cheezly - the only way I can eat vegan cheese - melted to oblivion!

I believe I mentioned cupcakes last time.... here they are. My best friend's husband turned 30 this week so I made these to celebrate. VCTOtW Golden Vanilla cupcakes that I added some chocolate chips and a bit of mint extract to. The icing is just a basic chocolate buttercream that I also added mint extract to.

And here - more cheezly. This was disgustingly trashy and freakin awesome. I made mac & noochy cheeze sauce then put some breadcrumbs on top and put it under the grill a few minutes. Then I added some bacos and cheezly and gave a couple more minutes under the grill. Trashy comfort food at it's best.

This was gonna be dinner for me and my friends on monday but they both got stuck in those ridiculous traffic jams coming home from work and didn't get to mine at all, so I had leftovers the next day. It was these nuggets that I made from black eyed beans and barley then coated in cornmeal and fried (probably what gave me acid reflux attack - haha oops!). I'm working on the recipe still and I'm going to bake them next time to be safe, but they were almost there.

The next day was pretty miserable because of the afore-mentioned acid reflux pain. All I could face cooking and eating was soup, so I chunked up an onion, a big parsnip and about 5 big carrots, the stalks of a bunch of coriander leaves and cooked them in stock for 20 mins. Then I added some soymilk and the leaves of the coriander and blended. It was yummy.

And a sneak peak of tonight's xmas eve foodz - peanut butter krispie balls (hee hee). There's tonnes of recipes out there and someone put some they'd made on their blog last week (I've forgotten who and didn't bookmark it so whoever you are - sorry!) and they looked so good I knew I had to have a go. So I mixed up peanut butter, rice krispies and some other stuff and rolled into balls (hee hee) then put a big old blob of melted choccie on top. I'll post the recipe next time.

I've also got some fudge in the fridge that doesn't appear to be setting up, even though I followed the recipe to a T! if it hasn't set in the next hour I'm going to have to try and salvage it - will report back next time!!

So as Shaky says "ooooh ooooooooh oooooh ooooh oooh oooooohh - shooby dooby dooby doo wop....!" Wait no sorry, "I mean Merry Christmas Everyone!!" and I'll see ya in 2010!



  1. Whoa, Sal! Your cheesy goods are ridiculous! So ridiculously good! Melted to oblivion is also the only way I can eat vegan cheese! :D

    The frosting on the cupcakes is so prefectly perfect! I am way too impatient for perfectly perfect frosting.

    Happy Christmas and Christmas Eve to you! Good luck with the fudge and enjoy your krispie balls! :-P

  2. That looks so good. Especially the mac & cheezly, so yummy!

    I wish you a very merry christmas.

  3. hoooooray for christmas time! you're getting all set to go, Sal - i love it! i looooove your pizza toasted sammie - it looks most excellent and so do those vanilla cuppins cakes with chocolate-mint frosting. mmmmmmmmm! krispie balls made me giggle, and your cheezy mac 'n cheeze made me drool. ah ha ha! man, that looks so awesome! huzzah for soup (i love me some coriander), and i would absolutely love the nugget recipe when ya get it how ya want it. they look so tasty! oh, and your tree looks beauuuuutiful!

    merry christmas and happy holidays to you, Sal! enjoy!

  4. I do the exact same thing with rice kirspies and pb. So yummy!

    That mac and cheese looks like a dream come true.

  5. Y'know, I've still never tried Cheezly, but it looks so much better than my usual faux-cheese options! Must hunt some down.

    Happy holidays!

  6. Hooray for trashy comfort food! That plate of melted cheezly is calling my name. The sweets look wonderful too, especially those birthday cupcakes. Merry Christmas!

  7. Melty cheesy goodness.... Nom nom nom. Krispie balls! Nom nom nom...

    I can't wait to see your Christmas foods.

  8. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Sal! Those cupcakes and the rice crispy balls both look fantastic!

  9. Everything looks great, especially your sarnie... cheezly is so great melted in grilled cheese sandwiches.

  10. Oh, I so want a pizza toastie! And those peanut butter things! And I so need to lose weight! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

  11. What vegan cheese are you using for those toasted cheese sambos?!

  12. oh man I have GOT to get me one of those toasters! We've been knee deep in Daiya since our Mother's Market started carrying it! HUZZAH for melty vegan cheeze!


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