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Friday, 4 March 2011

Time Flies.....

OMG! One minute it's the end of MoFo and the next it's freaking MARCH!!!

Well don't I suck. hahahaha. I just wanted to let anyone who still keeps an eye on this blog that I'm still alive.

I haven't been updating because I honestly have been a bit uninspired with food lately and not taken pics of anything. Even my veganniversary (1 Jan) was a bit of a non-event, marked mainly by an acid reflux attack. Fun.

So I'm gonna attempt to rectify that this weekend and hope to have some new pics to share next week. Plus this month is my 3 year bloggaversary - so I think I need to bake something to celebrate - right??

I am also really behind on all of your blogs, which is probably why I'm so uninspired. I looking forward to catching up with what all of you have been up to.

Love and stuff....



  1. I am glad to hear you are alive and well! Time seems to be going past at a disturbing rate. I definitely think some baking is in order to celebrate three years of blogging. I look forward to seeing it. :)

  2. Bake tons of stuff and celebrate!

    And come back on posting too ;-)

  3. I think I've only managed to blog two or three times since MoFo! We need to get together & eat delicious food soon so that we'll have something fun to write about!

  4. Jojo - definitely!! We'll stuff our faces at vegfest for sure.

  5. Welcome back! I am looking forward to your blog anniversary!

  6. yippeeeeeee, Sal! i'm so glad you're do'n alright! i cannot wait to see your eats of late and i can't wait to see you more again. i've been feeling uninspired lately as well - it's a-okay, my friend! it was our 3 year veganversary on the 1st as well - i love that we have the same date!!!!

  7. Tell me about it! I've not blogged since Christmas and now I can't believe it's freaking March!
    I was thinking of you yesterday - you must have heard me.

  8. I hear was my 3 year veganversary in January, and I totally let it slip by. I did manage to sneak in at least one post a month, but only because I really tried...Cheers!

  9. There she is! Sorry you've been feeling uninspired - I hear ya! It's so easy to let months go by in between posts when you're not feeling the mojo. I hope you do bake something for your bloggaversary! Bake! Bake! Bake! Bake! Bake! :)


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