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Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Welcome to Bio Dome, Welcome to the Future....

... welcome to the place I am going to drain my lizard!

Err hellerrr, I have a day off today so I'm sitting here with the door open, looking at the lovely sunshine while I tell you all about my awesome weekend.

This Friday just gone, I went on a camping trip to Cornwall, with the same awesome group that I went to Spain with last year; so that's Jojo & her husband Nick and friend Tabitha.  We had a rad time and aside from Jojo & Nick's tent flooding on my first night, due to a ridiculously torrential downpour, the weather was mostly good.

So like I said, torrential rain on the Friday night.... the others got there Thursday but I had to work so met them Friday evening, after about a 7 hour car journey (stupid traffic). It was already raining so we basically just sat in Jojo & Nick's tent avoiding the rain and drinking alcohol. Which meant no food photos. But it was basically Vegusto sausage and smash so don't worry - you'll be seeing more of that!!

Breakfast the next day, I went for a breakfast of champs from the campsite shop; a rowntrees fruit pastille lolly. oh yeah!

Then we decided to get in the car and drive half an hour or so to Falmouth, which is an awesome town that we all fell a bit in love with. The main attraction to this town was a rad little all vegan cafe called Wildebeest. I'm sure Jojo will tell you more about this place on her blog as I believe the owners used to live in Brighton but moved a year or so ago to start this place. And we all LOVED it. 

The menu is small but varied and between us, we had almost everything on the menu and everything was outstanding.
I started with a chai tea latte

Jojo & Nick split all the small dishes. This was hoisin seitan rolls (I think!) 

Miso soup & a seaweed salad on the side

White bean spread with lots of garlic - I tried this, it was awesome.

Tabitha took this awesome shot for me as I was too lazy to get up when Jojo was taking proper food pics. I thought it was pretty reminiscent of the types of photos I post!

But I also took a close up. This was polenta with pesto and tomatoes. That polenta was crispy good and delicious.

I went for the Chilli. A bowl of spicy lentilly chilli with a nut based (I think) cheese sauce on top. I added loads of their homemade spicy chilli sauce too because I like the spicy!  And it was amazing. I kind of wanted to steal the sauce bottle and bring it home with me, but I refrained.

Side of guac & salsa

It came with a white and blue corn tortilla

Dessert and I went for a brownie, in fact we all did. I also had some of their chocolate hazelnut ice cream on the side and lemme tell ya, that ice cream was freaking incredible. So damn good. I would've probably married it. Or at least moved in and had babies out of wedlock with it! YUM.

After we begrudgingly dragged ourselves away from Wildebeest we drove a little way so we could go for a wander on the beach and Jojo and I braved the sea for a paddle. Yeah it was freakin cold so this is about as far as we went.

Jojo, Tabitha and I all took a piece of the lime sponge away with us from Wildebeest, because apparently one dessert is not enough. I ate this when we got back to the campsite. It was good cake! Super super sweet but zesty and yummy too.

For dinner that night I had some spaghetti shapes that Jojo bought with her for me, because she knows I'm a bean h8r!

What? they totally look like ponies right? Right??  (No they don't)

I also had a vegusto mushroom & cheese burger on a seedy roll. Damn those burgers are delicious.

The next day, we took a trip to the Eden Project, which was really pretty awesome.  There was T-Rex and flowers and a Mediterranean garden of chillis and sunflowers and stuff. Plus a rain forest with waterfalls and cashew plants and banana trees. It's pretty magical.  However, food wise it didn't look all that promising so we were glad that we'd brought supplies, in the form of a seitan roll that Jojo made us. I put pringles in mine because, crisps.

There was a juice bar there too, between the 2 biodomes (yeah I know they're not really called that, I just wanted to do a mini-tribal in the rain forest but thought it probably wouldn't be appreciated!)  (Also does my post title make sense now?) I had the Boost juice which was beetroot, ginger, apple & carrot. It was lovely and in fact I liked it so much, it reminded me that I used to love starting my day with a juice, so I've ordered a juicer! 

Pretty colour....
 Triple juice cheers!

And for someone with spectacularly sucky photography skills, I thought this flower pic I took was pretty rad! What do you guys think?

Last night of camping dinner.... we chopped up the remaining vegusto wieners (hehe) and Vbites bacon and fried it up. Then I mixed it with some more components...

Smash, obvs.

Nooch, of course. Modelled by the lovely Jojo

I also added sweetcorn because it was the right thing to do. Check out this bowlful of camping win!

We made s'mores too but I didn't get a decent photo, so hopefully Jojo will have some pics of those!

Tabitha made a fetching ink blot style pattern with some ketchup and a flour tortilla

Which she then added meaty mixture to!

 Obligatory dumb tent selfie, WHAT!

Nick modelling some most excellent catalogue poses by the gas stove!

So on our way home on the last day, our last stop was the monkey sanctuary in Looe. It was ridiculously awesome and I'm always excited to see some monkeys, let's be honest. They also have a vegetarian cafe that serves a lot of Fry's stuff. YAY.

I chose the salsa burger which had a lot of jalapeno in and was pretty ace!

 With some very nice wedges on the side!

And carrot cake for pudding which was a lot nicer than it looked!

Everyone else chose chocolate cake, here's a pic of Tabitha's with a bite taken out of it! :)

I didn't bring much back with me but I did find some chilli based goodness at the Eden Project...

Chilli Willy oil (yes I bought it because of the name!)

And this awesome sounding rum, coconut & chilli sauce which I am excited to try!

That's all for now folks.



  1. Aww! Lovely post! I haven't been camping in years!
    I'm really hungry now! You can't beat a bit of noochy smash!
    That rum, coconut & chilli sauce sounds yum!

  2. And it's amazing there's a monkey sanctuary. It's so sad they're kept as pets. I saw a programme years ago where a woman had one as a replacement for a baby. The monkey got older and started acting up and was depressed because it'd gotten to the age they usually have babies. So sad. Glad there's a place for them :)

    1. I know, it was so sad hearing about what they'd been through. And super frustrating watching idiots make noises at them and try and get them to interact when the staff are saying please don't do that! But it was an awesome place.

  3. Great title and holy swift blogging turnaround dude! I still haven't blogged about Vienna! I heart our tent selfie (send me a copy!) and I loved your idea to put crisps in that sandwich, it was so much better that way, you're a culinary genius!

  4. Holy crap I lost it at the My Little Pony spaghettios. Hilarious!!!


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