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Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Wore it Wednesday

Wearable orange eyeshadow.

Orange looks totally awesome on blue eyes, so I wanted to do a look with orange shadow that was bright but still wearable. I think I did ok and in real life it looked good, but I was having a total camera fail day (and a bad eyeliner day, but let's not go there), so my pics pretty much suck.  My hair was also pretty hilariously high, I have no idea what was going on so I cropped it out! hahaha.

I used the bright neon orange from the Revolution Redemption Matte Brights Palette. It's an awesome shade but being matte it does need a sticky light base. I used OCC RO concealer for this.  I really couldn't get a good pic of it though, because it was too late for daylight when I took these. So it looks a bit muddy, it's way brighter in real life.

I also patted a bit of ELF glitter glue over the top of it and added some Sugarpill Supercharged pigment from the Elektrocute collection over the top, for some spangle!

Lips are OCC Zhora lip tar that I'm maybe just a little bit in love with!

Hopefully next time my pics will suck less! Happy humpday all.

Love & Stuff
Sal xXx

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