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Wednesday, 13 January 2016

New Year's Clearout!

New year's resolutions you say? What is the point? Yeah I feel the same, I don't make them anymore because every year it's the same: Lose x pounds, go to the gym a minimum of 3 times a week, give up sugar/fat/mushy peas.... and it doesn't happen.  So I stopped making them.

However, I try to make a few small changes and one that I've made was to clear out my dusty and frankly shambolic, makeup collection!

It was full of makeup that was SO old. Loads of it I don't wear because it's old, or the brand is no longer cruelty free, or it's not vegan... so it was time for a clear out. Also, the old makeup chest I had it in (yes, a chest, it's that bad!) was my Nan's old dresser and it was falling apart.

Here are the before pictures!

Here is the box of usable stuff that I'm donating to a friend...

I also binned a TONNE of unusable / out of date crap. So here are the after pictures - tidy and streamlined. I know I still have a ridiculous amount, but that is the life of a beauty blogger / makeup addict and hoarder haha.


Loose pigments/glitters, eye liners and lash products, lip products (1) and blushes

bronzers & highlighters and base products (1 MAC product survived, bought when they were still cruelty free) 


Eyelash drawer (yes, a drawer - I might have a problem, haha)

Skin care and foundations

More lip products and single eyeshadows

And the mirror. In the mirror you can also see where I stand to do my makeup, my everyday makeup is in an acrylic case under the mirror.

The downside to the clean up is that Jazzy used to sit under the chair in there for most of the day; she was shielded from everything but could still look out into the hallway.

 Since we cleared out, she hasn't been in there. She looks a bit lost! awww.

Sal xXx


  1. Holy MOLY that's a lot of makeup! I have one of those acrylic holders and it's totally fantastic. Haha, my resolution is to buy MORE though, so I need to find a storage solution that doesn't take up TOO much space :)

  2. This is making me think my makeup collection really isn't that big and I should buy more. Oh dear, I think you're enabling me.

    1. hehehe *evil cackle*

      I never pretended I wasn't an enabler when it comes to makeup :)

  3. Wow, that is some collection! I've been doing a bit of a clear out of stuff today and have taken stuff to the charity shop but I think my new years resolution should be to get a proper blog header - your new one looks amazing!


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