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Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Current Favourites - Food Edition

I've got a few beauty favourites that I will probably film a video about but I thought it might be fun to talk about some of my recent favourite food things. Great English there Sal! Let's do this.....

Tofoo Co Tofu

My friend bought this tofu when I visited her and made a curry with it and I was so impressed at the way it held up, I bought some as soon as I got home. And I LOVE it! The texture is brilliant; it's much firmer than Cauldron and it makes the best tofu scramble ever.

I get it from Tesco, but according to their website, you can get it from the Co-Op (never seen it in my teeny local!) and from Ocado too.

They also make a couple of flavoured varieties but I've not tried them yet.

Booja Booja Caramel Pecan Praline Ice Cream

This stuff is delicious but it's also SUPER sweet, so you don't really need that much of it. It's also pretty expensive so I wouldn't be buying it every week, but for an occasional treat, it's a good one!

Oatly Oat Fraiche
Thank you Oatly, thank you so much for this!!!

This stuff is the bomb. I use it wherever I would have used creme fraiche (durr) or sour cream etc in my pregan days. It's especially awesome for dolloping on nachos/tacos/burrito bowl type meals. I also add it to sauces to make them creamy or put a bit on pancakes with some syrup. It's so good.

Caramel Snack A Jacks
I swear these didn't used to be vegan? But they are and a friend of me got me into them recently. Yes they have a cardboard like texture, but who doesn't like cardboard covered in caramel flavouring? No one? Oh, maybe skip these then :)

Seriously though, I like them as a quick snack if I just want a sweet hit.

Food Doctor Roasted Soya
These are a really good post gym snack because 25g (a large handful) is 100 calories ish and has 10g of protein in! I have been trying to find snacks (and foods in general) with more protein in and soya/edamame beans are great for that. And these crunchy little beauties are awesome!

Sweet Freedom 
I know, this stuff is old news but I love it! I especially like the orange spice one, it makes a great sauce for pancakes, or ice cream or just squeeze that ish straight into your gob at the same time as squirting in some schlagfix squirty cream! Don't let anyone ever tell you I'm not classy!

Lemon & Ginger Tea
I had tonsillitis recently and whenever I'm sick like that, I cannot face milky drinks. Although I'm back on it, I've been drinking less regular tea and coffee. Which has been great, because I'm not getting that headache on days I don't have any caffeine anymore! Anyway, I discovered I like this tea. I do add extra lemon juice to it and sometimes a few slices of ginger if I have it. And when I was sick I also added date syrup instead of honey and it really helped my sore throat. 

So those are the things I'm enjoying right now food wise. What's your current food/drink faves??

Sal xXx


  1. I love hearing about independent tofu companies! I never thought about certain tofu's being better than others but now that you mention it I have noticed certain brands are firmer than others.

  2. Sorry you've been sick, that's no fun. I definitely want to try that tofu and I loooove Booja Booja ice creams. They're a fancy treat but they're super delish'.

  3. I wish we had Oatly here! I love oatmilk and anything that is not coconut based excites me no end.
    I have currently been enjoying a brand of kefir I found that makes a strawberry vanilla flavour that is just so delicious!

  4. Great round up. I bought that tea this morning on the way to work as I was feeling a bit quesy and it sorted me out! I hope I can find that tofu and the creme fraiche.

  5. Your tofu scramble looks great, and the ice cream sounds quite delicious, too!


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