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Friday, 30 June 2017

Aveda - Vegan List

So I was super excited to see that recently, Aveda were added to Logical Harmony's cruelty free brand list*.

UPDATE: Aveda are now 100% vegan!

Original Post:
Before the Estee Lauder buy-out, when they starting using the standard EL testing policy (I'm not sure if they ever actually went into the Chinese market or not!), I was a HUGE fan of Aveda. My number 1 all time hair product was their curl enhancing lotion. So to hear they are now CF again made my day.

I decided to contact them for a vegan list and it was very refreshing to receive a super helpful, polite email a couple of days later with the list of products that are not vegan (as it's shorter - weeee!). I say refreshing because I feel really frustrated this week with the cut/paste and unhelpful answers I've been getting from brands - but more on that in another post. For those of you here for the list, here it is (I've also pasted their response for information too) .....

Thank you for your interest in Aveda and I apologise for the delay in responding to you.

Sarah, although Aveda products are not certified Vegetarian or Vegan, many of our products contain no animal
derived ingredients. However, we have a small assortment of products that are made with beeswax or
honey since we have not found substitutes for these particular ingredients in those formulae at this time.
As of March 2013 you will find Beeswax or Honey in the products listed below. We are also happy to
provide the ingredient listings for any product you are interested in using for your review -- please contact
us with the specific product names.

Lip Saver™
Lip Shine
Light Elements Shaping Wax™
Light Elements™ Texturizing Crème
Nourish-Mint™ Rehydrating Lip Glaze
Nourish-Mint™ Renewing Lip Treatment
Nourish-Mint™ Sheer Mineral Lip Color
Nourish-Mint™ Smoothing Lip Color
Uruku Lip Pigment
Uruku Color Gloss

Pure Abundance™ Volumizing Clay Conditioner
Pure Abundance™ Volumizing Hair Spray
Pure Abundance™ Volumizing Hair Potion
Pure Abundance™ Volumizing Shampoo

YAY, my beloved Curl Enhancer is safe! I should note that for those of you who avoid cruelty free companies with non cruelty free parent companies, Aveda are owned by Estee Lauder.

Have an awesome weekend everyone!
Sal xXx

Ps: * Logical Harmony's list is, in my opinion, the most thorough and my go to list for finding out if a brand is cruelty free. There are others I check if a brand is on the LH Pending or Grey Area lists and of course I spend a lot of time contacting brands myself too, but this one is the one I trust the most.

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