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Friday, 15 July 2016

Friday Quickie - Neve "Lost in Venezia" Eyeshadow Palette

This week's Friday quickie is swatches from this gorgeous Neve Palette, called the Lost in Venezia palette. There's loads of these quads available and they retail for £13.95. I've been dying to play with it but was waiting to take photos before I swatched it - now that's restraint! haha

You can buy Neve direct from their website, or in the UK from Cutecosmetics or Cocktail Cosmetics. When I saw this swatched on instagram, neither of the usual UK sellers had this palette so I got it from Beauty Chamber, who I'd not shopped with before, but it arrived really quickly, so I'd definitely buy from there again!

Shades, clockwise from top left:
 "Fiori D'Ombra", "Bikini", "Pioggia Acida" & "Bouquet"


"Fiori D'Ombra" - a beautiful brown with an almost purple duochrome

"Bikini" - gorgeous goldy peach (I think this would be a beautiful highlight on deeper skintones!)

  "Pioggia Acida" - My favourite shade in the palette - absolutely gorgeous goldy/olive green. Stunning!

"Bouquet" - lovely icey silvery blue!

I love Neve eyeshadows. Loads of their items are vegan and they do label everything if it is vegan and also whether it's lip safe too! Also, they are super easy to depot so if you want, you can put them into a Z-Palette, which is my plan for these, along with some from other Neve palettes!

If you've not tried Neve, I recommend them!

If you have tried any of their stuff, I wanna know what you think! Let me know in the comments or tweet at me.

Have an awesome weekend everyone.

Love & stuff
Sal xXx

1 comment:

speak to me, yo!