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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The Vegan Kind: August Beauty Box

My August Vegan Kind Beauty Box arrived yesterday and this time, I'm doing things a bit differently. Instead of an unboxing video, I thought I'd post pics of the contents then I'll do a follow video or post in a couple of weeks when I've had a while to properly try everything in there. That way I can give a proper review of the contents. EDIT: 18 September 2016 - the review of the products in this box is HERE.

So let's crack on and I'll show you what's inside, it's a good one again this month!

Figs & Rouge evAcalm Perfect Calm Moisture + AM PM Cream
(RRP £24.00)

The Konjac Sponge Company French Pink Clay Facial Puff Sponge
(RRP £8.99)

Vitala Spa Chakra Balancing Compassion Bath and Body Oil
(RRP £8.50)

Weleda* Almond Sensitive Travel Size Body Wash & Travel Size Hand Cream
(RRP £1.95 & £2.25 respectively)

Spectrum Collections Tapered Finishing Brush
(RRP £7.99)

Sheila's Natural Products Face Cream Deluxe Sample
(RRP of FULL size £27.50)

What do you think? Does anyone have the box? What are you looking forward to trying/hearing about?

Happy humpday everyone
Sal xXx

PS: * Re Weleda! Someone metioned on a Facebook group, after I posted a pic of the contents of this box, that Weleda sell in China and are on Logical Harmony's to avoid list. Obviously I didn't think that The Vegan Kind would put a non-cruelty free product in their box, so I emailed them to double check and this was their reply:

Weleda only sell two products in China - toothpaste and soap - both of which are classed as household products and not cosmetics, therefore do not require to be tested on animals. Weleda are on Peta's bad list due to a historic distribution of a medical product (which they didn't actually manufacture they just distributed it and they no longer do so) - they no longer distribute this product and are in discussions with PETA to get removed from this list. They categorically do not test any of their products on animals and are 100% cruelty free :) ”


  1. Looks like a nice selection. I've used the sponges before and liked them and I love Weleda stuuf.

  2. Love those Welada lotions! I got some in my first-ever Vegan Cuts beauty box a couple years back.

  3. I've always wanted to try one of those konjac sponges. I will love to hear what you think and what their best use is.


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