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Thursday, 19 January 2017

Mitchum is not cruelty free :(

OK so for years I've been under the impression Mitchum deodorant was a brilliant accidentally vegan and cruelty free deodorant, despite being owned by a non-cruelty free parent company (Revlon).

It was just something that was told to everyone in vegan message boards and chat groups and accepted. Not like me not to research that, but for some reason I didn't until I saw a few people saying that it's actually not cruelty free at all.

Silly me! After the whole Batiste debacle you'd think I'd have learnt, but we all make mistakes so .... I did a bit of googling and the only sources I found saying it was vegan were replies on message boards or the odd blog post. I found them on a few 'do test/avoid' lists from bloggers I trust. So I wrote to them and asked to try and get an answer for myself.

They of course came back to me with Revlon's stock animal testing statement, the usual spiel about how they don't animal test and haven't since the late 80s and believe in innovation and women expressing themselves through makeup... etc.

And then - the important bit - "Regulatory authorities in a few countries conduct independent testing in order to satisfy their own mandatory registration requirements., Revlon complies with all regulations in the countries in which are products are sold...."

So basically they submit to animal testing where required by law. This means they are not cruelty free.

So I wrote back and said (I'm paraphrasing), yeah thanks I know Revlon aren't cruelty free but I just want to know about Mitchum specifically. Do you sell in China and can you answer my original questions in relation to Mitchum only, thank you please.

They wrote back with "This is the only statement we have for all Revlon/Mitchum/Almay products"

So there you have it. Not able to confirm they're cruelty free, so I'm not gonna buy any more.

Now please excuse me while me and my sweaty pits cry into our tea and then try to find something that works even half as well!

Please leave me your suggestions in the comments if you have a deodorant that works well for you!

Sal xXx


  1. Well stuff it I don't know what to do now. I am so sweaty gross then if I don't have an actual antiperspirant I will just sweat ruin all of my clothes. None of these natural deodorants or crystals. Plug my pores with aluminium!! I guess getting the armpit flipping surgery is the only option. *cries*

  2. I thought the same! I am not sure there are any CF vegan antiperspirants? I occasionally rotate in Toms of Maine but their parent co tests so I mostly stick to Schmidts & Blissoma but they're just deodorant.

    1. TOMS of Maine used to work for me but its made me smell worse recently despite detoxing my pits with bentonite clay. I've been using Certain Dri clinical strength. Its okay so far. But you can't put it on right after shaving or it will burn. Plus there's no deodorant part, its just antiperspirant but I find that I still smell...and I'm not even that physically active. Finding a good antiperspirant sucks. I might try combining it with a deodorant as well.

  3. I just remembered Jack Black's line is supposed to be CF and they have an antiperspirant- I think. I'd need to double check both. I think Sephora has it.

    1. Unfortunately in the UK we don't have Sephora but maybe there's a uk seller x

    2. I've ordered Jack Black pit boss through Amazon, natural deodorants curl up and cry at my pits!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh GAHHH! So double annoying as their ingredients are vegan :/ Bloody magic crystals and all those hippy ones do NOT work when one does a cycle commute :(

  5. What about supermarket own brand deodorants or Superdrug's own brand? I know none of them except Superdrug actually have the Leaping Bunny logo but other sites have said that most UK supermarkets own brand deodorants are cruelty-free? I recently decided to only buy products not tested on animals and deodorants are the only thing I'm having trouble finding a replacement for (I currently use Dove). Superdrug is the only one I've found with the Leaping Bunny logo but it's a spray and I would rather have a roll-on. Sainsbury's have their own brand roll-on so I was wondering if this is ok?

    1. It's probably fine but just check the ingredients to be sure x

  6. Replies
    1. I am told that FL are actually not cruelty free.

    2. Are Forever Living Products cruelty free?
      Forever is committed to not using animal testing and has been certified by the Leaping Bunny Program as 'cruelty-free' because it has met the strict criteria of Leaping Bunny's Corporate Standard of Compassion for Animals.

    3. I've heard they're actually not but I have not researched them.

  7. Co-op's own brand deodorant should be ok... all their own brand household/personal products are cruelty-free

    1. Really as co op is my only super market local and we are making our house cruelty free and it's so difficult.

  8. In the UK Co-op's own brands (household/personal care) are all cruelty-free

  9. Gah, damn it to hell. Mitchum is literally the only thing that worked for me supermarket wish and u have been too scared to try anything different since, have you had any luck finding a just as good replacement yet?

    1. I've been using the body shop aloe roll on combined with a co op 'cool blue' spray. It's working ok 😀

  10. I know The Body Shop are currently owned by L'Oreal (although there are rumours that a Brazilian cruelty-free company are buying The Body Shop) but they do sell a woman's antiperspirant deodorant - strawberry, and also a men's antiperspirant deodorant - maca root that are both cruelty-free and vegan. I use the strawberry one myself and it works brilliantly! Hope that helps :)

  11. Sephora and The Body Shop are NOT cruelty free, as they sell in China and test on animals.....

    1. Sephora own brand so, but body shop do not, they are cruelty free. Also L'Oréal is selling them to a cf company so soon their parent company will be cruelty free too 😀

    These deoderants are amaaaaazing


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