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Thursday, 17 April 2008


Chicken tikka (or my rendition of it) was something I used to love to make in my omni days – great for barbecuing! And I really fancied having a go at tikka-ing up some tofu.

So here is my super easy, vegified version that I served with mushroom rice. Recipe below the pic.

Ingredients (1 serving):
For the tofu…
½ a block of firm tofu (I use Caldron plain tofu), drained & pressed
3 tbsp soya yoghurt
1½ tsp curry paste (I make my own but any jarred curry paste is fine)
1½ tsp tomato puree

For the rice…
½ cup of basmati rice
1½ cups of boiling water
¼ tsp turmeric
Pinch of salt
3 or 4 closed cap mushrooms
½ tsp cumin seeds

Mix together the yoghurt, curry paste and tomato puree until smooth. Cut the tofu into chunks and put into the marinade and mix well. Cover with a lid or clingfilm and refrigerate overnight.

Then the next day it’s really quick. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with foil and mist lightly with oil. Put the tofu on the tray and bake for 15 minutes. After this time, turn the tofu and baked on the other side for another 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, Put the rice into a pan with the water, turmeric and salt. Bring to the boil and turn down and simmer without a lid for 10 minutes – stirring occasionally to ensure that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat, cover and leave aside.

Slice the mushrooms and saute over a medium heat, in a little bit of oil (I just spray the pan with sunflower oil so I don’t use too much) for 5 minutes until cooked through and lightly brown. Add the cumin seeds and stir well. Turn off the heat.

Stir the rice into the mushrooms & cumin seeds, check seasoning and serve with the tofu.

When the tofu comes out of the oven, sprinkle it with salt – tofu is so bland that it really needs some salt to bring out the flavour of the coating.

I decided to be foofy for the picture and do a timbale – that’s a posery word for smooshing the rice into a tea cup and inverting it on the plate. I also served it with a veggie samosa (that I bought in sainsburys).

Cooking to: Queens of the Stone Age – Songs for the Deaf.

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