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Tuesday, 27 January 2009

So what has 'S' been cooking lately?

It seems like forever since I've blogged and I haven't really been taking many pictures lately! Sorry for that - combo of living off freezer food, trying to eat a bit healthy, finding it difficult to get inspired to cook and having a bit of a shit time at work of late. But hey enough of that.

Tonight I had my girls (E & M) round for a last meal in the flat and a Gossip Girl mini-sesh as my DVD arrived today - we are now addicted! Only I didn't take any pics! I wish I had though, cuz it was way more photogenic than anything else in this post! I made guacamole to go with tortilla chips, Dreena's cumin lime tofu and mexican stylee spicy rice with black beans, corn & peppers. Also, after seeing Jen's post about Sarah Kramer's chocolate pudding cake, I knew I had to try it and goddam it - it was freaking ACE! I forsee another one being made soon and next time I WILL take a pic!

So anyway, back to the stuff I did take pics of. Firstly, chocolate/ginger muffins. I still don't have this recipe right, but next time - it will be mine!!

This was some soup I made by throwing a craptonne of veggies festering in my fridge into the crockpot, with some stock, beans and brown rice. I also threw in a whole chilli and just pierced a hole in it - that's a trick my dad told me, to get a bit of spicy nip but not blow ya head off spice. It worked too.

This was dinner for me & my girls last week - it's Shelly's awesome smashing grains casserole. This stuff is seriously good. I had used up all my bulgar wheat so I used barley and I didn't have any peas so I subbed edamame. YUM and easy to make - making this again for sure.

I have been eating a lot of meals that look like this lately - I cooked up some bulgar and threw in some veggies, tofu and some soy sauce and served it with some roasted portabellas. Boring but good.

A similar sort of meal but with roasted brussels and squtternut bosh on the side!

This is probably my last post before I move out of this little shoe box I've called home for the last year and I feel a bit sad about it. But I'm sure it won't be long before I'm slinging pans and covering myself in flour in my parents' kitchen to bring you some cookie pictures!

And now I'm off to find out who has been sending Serena porn & bags of coke and hopefully see Blair shred that necky little Jenny!!

xo xo - Sal! (hehe)


  1. ooh that all looks really good! :)

  2. Hey lady you were missed. Sorry to hear work has been poopy - I guess that's why it's called work though hey.
    So many good eats as usual and I'm gonna call 'em squtternut bosh from now on too!
    hee hee hee.
    Good luck with the move - I am still looking for somewhere - going to see a place today actually. Fingers crossed for both of us. Will you still be in Hampshire?

  3. Chocolate pudding cakes rock! I made Vegan Dad's Chocolate Pumpkin Pudding Cake during mofo and it was goooood. Not very photogenic though, just a molten mess of orange coloured cake and gooey chocolatey sauce. Mmmmm. Maybe I should make another? Yes, good idea >:o)
    Squtternut bosh! Love it!
    I hope the move isn't too stressful xxx

  4. Good luck with the move! I hope it isn't too bad. Are you moving far?

    I keep seeing things for pudding cake, but it is summer here and even though my mother keeps the house arctic with the air conditioning (alas) part of my brain thinks I should wait for winter. But they all look so yummy!

  5. I was wondering where you were off to! Thought you were keeping all your deliciousness for you alone! I'm so glad you loved the casserole, and I hope you remembered the cup of wine for you! :)
    Good luck with your move - moving is for the birds! I don't deal well with all that packing and such.

  6. oh man - i have wanted to see Gossip Girls, but i know if i start i'll be addicted to it! ahahahaha! chocolate pudding cake!?! Sal! pictures next time, fo 'sho!

    your chocolate-ginger muffins = awesomeface! i can't wait for the recipe! ooooooh, yay!

    i'm gonna have to try the whole chili tip. thanks! glad you loved Shelly's smashing grin casserole - it's soooo yummers! mmmmmmmm! your bulghur dish looks great to me, and i'll take some brussels - they're my fav!

  7. Yum-yum-yum... again! I like the tip about the chili too, especially as my wussy kids starts huffing and puffing if their food's too spicy, so thanks Sal's Dad!
    I made the chocolate pudding cake for Meg's birthday last year and it was great both hot AND cold!

  8. i love it! gossip girl is one of my faves, but michael won't let me watch it when he's home (which just happens to be when it's on...blast!). i've missed so much! your dinners look nice, too. there's nothing wrong with a grain/tofu/veggie combo. it's one of my faves! good luck moving, and can't wait to hear from you again!

  9. Sorry to hear about your work yuckiness. I hope things get better for you soon!

    Your soup looks so warming and comforting for a snowy day like today! That's a neat little trick your dad told you!

    Shelly's smashing grains casserole looks so yummy, I can't believe I haven't made that.

    Here's to some prompt pan slinging and flour self-covering! :)

  10. Your food looks great! I want to try some chocolate pudding cake!

  11. i don't know how those muffins taste but they look ace! Maybe those bad work vibes are getting in and mucking them up... send your muffskies some happy thoughts and save the angry ones for your coworkers! :)


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