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Monday, 10 February 2014

Sleek Limited Edition Garden of Eden iDivine

So I'm kicking off my newly rebooted blog with a review of the latest offering from Sleek Makeup.  Their Garden of Eden iDivine eyeshadow palette.

Sadly, it's limited edition; sadly because it's gorgeous.

Firstly a tiny little baby gripe .... a plastic insert with the shade names on! Yuck. I wish that the shade names were somewhere on the body of the palette so you don't have to keep this thing that constantly falls out and flies around your bedroom! GAHH.  Also, foam tip applicator. A FOAM TIP APPLICATOR!  I think it's time companies started doing away with these. If they did, there'd be more room in the palette for, I dunno... shade names??  Gah.

So vent over. I will let the above go and calmly breathe, because this palette is less than a tenner (£7.99 to be precise) and it's lovely.  Most of the colours are really pigmented, they are smooth and they blend well, just like all of Sleek's palettes. Also, the colours are super pretty.  So here's the outer packaging.

Inside shot

Below are swatches of the colours. All the swatches are done dry, 2 swipes with no primer underneath.

Swatch of Top Row 
(L-R = 'Gates of Eden', 'Eve's Kiss', 'Paradise on Earth', 'Python', 'Forbidden' and 'Flora'. 
Swatches of Bottom Row 
(L-R = 'Entwined', 'Adam's Apple', 'Fig', 'Evergreen', 'Fauna', 'Tree of Life'.

And a close up of Fig, Evergreen, Fauna & Tree of Life as it's a bit tricky to see them on the above pic.

Hopefully you can see in the swatches that most of the colours are shimmery. There's 3 matte colours ('Flora' on the top row, 'Adam's Apple' and 'Tree of Life' on the bottom row.) Really this could do with a slightly lighter matte brown than Flora, to serve as a nice transition colour. The palette could also benefit from an off-white matte for brow bone highlighting, rather than the light matte green that is Adam's Apple.  That shade isn't particularly pigmented and I'd probably only really use it for blending out the darker greens, if ever. Over a white sticky eye base, this might show up better.

All in all, I really like this palette and if you like greens and shimmery earthy tones, it's definitely for you.  

Here's a couple of eye looks I did with the palette.  (My computer shows the pictures as pretty washed out, my phone shows them as pretty true to life!)

Firstly using Fauna and Evergreen on the lid, Python in the crease and a bit of tree of life on the outer v. (Please ignore my terrible brows, I had them threaded the day after this!)

Secondly a more neutral look using Eve's Kiss and Python. I wish Eve's Kiss showed up a bit better in this pic because it really is a lovely lovely colour.

Available from Superdrug stores, online and Sleek's website for £7.99.

Love & Stuff
Sal xXx


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