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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Wore it Wednesday - Makeup Revolution Iconic 3 Palette

This week I have mostly been playing with the Makeup Revolution Iconic 3 Palette (AV)!

Last night I used the palette for a gold smokey eye.  I used this colour on the lid - my camera really doesn't do this shade justice at all, it is SO gorgeous and shimmery and really really pigmented.  I used the shade immediately to the right in the crease and the one 2 to the right of that for the outer v.  I used the lightest shade in the palette for brow bone highlight. 
There is a bit of fall out from these shadows, especially from the shimmery shades so I'd recommend you use a shadow shield or do your foundation first, like I did.  I used a primer first and my eye makeup still looked great after a (fairly sweaty) night of salsa!

Eyeball closeup (please ignore dem horrific brows, I'm Billion Dollar'ing them this weekend!
(The gold on my waterline is GOSH's Velvet Touch Eyeliner in Renaissance Gold (CV), which I'm maybe just a bit in love with. I dunno what that weird black dot is.)

I also used it monday night and did something similar but used the pink to the left of the gold above but unfortunately my camera has washed it the hell out. The colour is really gorgeous.  I only posted it because something amazing happened on Monday..... I had a near perfect eyeliner night! This never happens. Usually I mess with it and mess with for half an hour, rubbing off the wing on one side because it's higher than the other and then I get frustrated and throw my liner brush at the mirror!  But Monday, no such problems were occurring!  It went on even both sides, good shape and the wings were both facing in the same direction! Unfortunately no matter how many pictures I took, I could not get a good one of both eyes DAMMIT!

I knew it would never happen again and true to form, Tuesday was a night of spending the best part of half an hour getting frustrated and just settling for not bad!

I've mentioned before my lack of selfie-skills.... does anyone else's camera roll end up something like this; one half decent one and a whole lotta fail?  No? Just me?  If it does then instagram it and tell me where to find you on IG, I wanna see your selfie fail collages too!

Happy Humpday!

Love & Stuff
Sal xXx


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