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Monday, 23 June 2014

Barry M Loud Mouth Extreme Lip Colours

Last week I was super excited to find the new lipglosses from Barry M (V) in my local Superdrug. They had a deal on Barry M stuff, where if you spent £6 you got a free limited edition nail polish.... I spent enough to get both! I picked up 3 of the new Loud Mouth lip colours and their new matte nail topcoat, which I'm excited to try out.
The colours I got, L-R: Chatterbox, Tell-Tale and Gossip
L-R: as above.
 Starting with my favourite of the 3 I bought, this is Chatterbox which is a beautiful coral colour. I love this shade.
 Secondly, Tell-Tale, which is a lovely pinky nude, but not too pinky. It's gorgesous.
Lastly I got Gossip which is a bright pink.

I actually love all 3 of the colours I bought. They go on lovely and you don't need very much of them.  They are a bit thicker than a regular lip gloss too so last a fraction longer but let's be frank, they're lipgloss... they're not gonna last all night! They also smell like watermelon jolly ranchers! I like that smell.

But I love these and would definitely buy more colours!

Have you tried these glosses yet - let me know what you think!

Have a great week.

Love & Stuff
Sal xXx


1 comment:

speak to me, yo!