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Monday, 9 November 2015

Month of Vegan Lips: Week One Round-Up

Have any of you seen any my #monthofveganlips posts on Instagram? Basically what I'm doing is posting my lipstick/gloss...etc every day during November, just to show what a great variety there is now for us vegans in the lip department. And I won't even be scratching the surface in this short amount of time, of what is out there.

Here's a round-up of week 1 and if you want to join in PLEASE do! I'd love to see what you're wearing lippy wise, even if it's the same colour you wear every day. Just hashtag it #alienontoast or #monthofveganlips or tag me so I can see it and to see mine, head to my IG page at (there's pictures of food and sometimes my cat too, not just lips!)

Sal xXx


  1. Wow, that red is awesome. I've had a hard time finding a good red that actually looks red on, rather than going on pinkish.

    1. It's definitely a true red, orange based not blue based so it doesn't go pink.

    2. It's definitely a true red, orange based not blue based so it doesn't go pink.


speak to me, yo!