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Thursday, 6 March 2008

Happiness, thy name is tiger bread!

Whoever said money couldn’t buy you happiness is full of crap and if you shop at Morrisons, you can buy it for 62p! I am talking about tiger bread – yummy white bread with a sesame glaze on the top that bubbles and cracks when it’s baked, producing a tiger striped effect. If you haven’t tried it before, I insist you go to your local supermarket and buy some now. Seriously, go now!

Looking at this picture makes me happier than it probably should!! If I wasn’t crap at poetry I’d start rhyming!!

So last night I didn’t have much time to throw together dinner so I did a quick tomato sauce (recipe below) on top of spaghetti, with 2 fat wodges of tiger bread. It was rad.

It’s really easy and even with prep time, it was done in 20 minutes. The chilli gives a bit of a kick, but leave it out if you don’t like. Or increase it if you’re ‘ard.

Quick Tomato Sauce
Serves 1

Tbsp or so of sunflower oil
1 fat spring onion (or 2 skinny ones), roughly chopped
2 tomatoes, roughly chopped
2 mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp tomato puree
About a shot glass of white wine
About ½ a cup / 120ml or so of water
1 ring of green chilli (from a jar of jalapenos for nachos) - optional
Pinch of dried oregano
Pinch of paprika
Pinch of sugar
Salt & pepper to taste
Slack handful (about a tablespoon) of nutritional yeast
Tbsp of vegan cream cheese (I used tofutti plain)

Heat the oil in a saucepan and throw in the spring onions, tomatoes and mushrooms and stir until the tomatoes start to mush down. (The water for the pasta was boiling at this point, so in it went to cook for 10 minutes).

Add in all except the last 2 of the other ingredients and stir. Leave the heat up high until it starts to reduce. Keep stirring regularly and add more water if it reduces too much. When there is about 3 minutes left on the pasta, turn the heat down on the sauce to low.

About a minute before the pasta’s done, turn off the heat and stir in the cheese and nutritional yeast until well combined. Check the seasoning, drain the pasta and serve in a bowl with tiger bread, a big glass of vino and cookery programmes!

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