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Thursday, 6 March 2008

Posh Fast Food

Worked late again tonight and by the time I got home, really didn’t want to start being imaginative. So I went for some posh fast food.

The peas are a recipe I ripped off from Nigella and veganised - it rocks!

Posh chips & mushy peas
Served 1


1 sweet potato
1 tsp or so of fresh rosemary, finely chopped
A good pinch of sea salt
Tbsp or so of olive oil

Posh mushy peas
1 small clove of garlic
1 cup of frozen peas
2 heaped tablespoons of soya yoghurt (or vegan may or whizzed silken tofu)
1 tbsp vegan margarine
Salt & pepper

Chop the potato into wedges and toss in olive oil with salt and rosemary. Roast in oven for 25 minutes. Give them a good stir about half way through.

Put the garlic in a pan of cold water and bring it to the boil, turn it down low and leave it for 10 minutes while the sweet potato cooks. About 5 minutes before potatoes are ready, take out the garlic and the skin will slip off (yes I am that lazy!!) and then put back in the pan with the peas.

The peas will float to the top of the pan and the water will be just boiling and the peas will be cooked. Drain the peas and put them in a processor (garlic too) with the tofu and the margarine. Whizz until smooth but not completely pureed. Season and serve with the sweet potato wedges and tiger bread!! :)


  1. Hmmm - do they taste the same as real mushy peas (other than the garlic)?

    ASDA do frozen presoaked mushy peas - they take about 20 minutes to cook, but they are additive free and come out really good.

  2. No they don't, they are different tasting to the tinned variety but they are good!

    I've seen though pre-soaked peas and always been tempted, but 20 minutes! I'm impatient! :)


speak to me, yo!