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Sunday, 14 September 2008

Lazy Cow

I haven't done very much cooking this weekend, because I have been feeling lazy and just wanted to sit on my arse and watch Alias instead. And my parents took me out for dinner on Saturday. So for now, here are a just a few stored up pics from the week.

Pasta with a cheezy sauce (that's just the white sauce I used for my lasagna in this post) with some sweetcorn added. The salad was a surprise hit! It was just some blanched broccoli and frozen peas, some cherry tomatoes, butter beans and a simple flax oil / cider vinegar dressing with a bit of chilli and salt & pepper. Dress the veggies while they're still warm! yum yum.

This was dinner for me and my best friends, well actually this is the leftovers the next day that I added some mushrooms and seitan to. It was a veggie casserole done overnight in the crockpot and them some quick dumplings done the next day and baked in the oven.

For pudding I made us spiced cookie dough ice cream. I think I got the flavour spot on but I only had light soy milk and a little soya cream so the texture isn't quite there. I definitely want to try this again soon so I can perfect the recipe.

Today's brekkie: pancakes with a simple syrup made by boiling together 1/2 a cup of blackberries, 1/4 cup maple syrup, juice of a mandarin and a grating (tsp or so) of fresh ginger. Then I pushed it through a seive. It makes enough for at least 2 people - so the rest is sitting in my fridge awaiting use.

And today's lunch - minted pea and watercress soup. I was a bit disappointed with myself on this one. It was nice but nothing to write home about and definitely not worthy of posting the recipe. I might give it another go though - I think it's got potential.

I also baked some bread today. It was yummy but I can't take too much credit for it, it was a packet mix. It has inspired me to maybe give making bread a go myself.

And lastly, but not leastly, tonight's dinner. I had a harlequin squash sitting in the fridge a day over it's sell by date! They're pretty things but I got my knife stuck in the bugger trying to cut it up! It was like excalibur trying to get the damn thing out. Anyway I perservered and amazingly managed to not cut myself - and made it into a veggie curry. I was feeling way too lazy to toast and grind spices so I just used ready ground spices, a tin of tomatoes and a mini can of light coconut milk (I love those mini cans!). I served it with jasmine rice that I cooked in my steamer.

I served it as a circle of rice with the curry in the middle because that's how my mum used to dish up curry! :)

Cooking (curry) to: Stevie Wonder - The Definitive Collection

Ooh ooh - this time next week I'll be in cyprus! HUZZAH!


  1. I don't blame you for wanting to relax. Everything looks mighty tasty. The first one, with the cheeze sauce, is making me drool though!

  2. Everything looks great! I'm particularly drooling over that veggie casserole with the dumplings! And that ice cream looks awesome! And the bread - YUM!

  3. Even if it was a packet I am envious of your bread making skillz. All of your food looks yummy!

  4. there are days when i don't feel like cooking either! it's nice to veg out and relax sometimes! always makes me a little saner.

    the curry looks so scrumptious, i think the soup = pretty, the veggie casserole (and those dumplings) look sooooo comforting + tasty, and i think it's awesome that you made your own bread! dan and i are finishing up our last loaf of store-bought bread (at lease it's local though, yeah?) and we're going to be moving on to make our own, too! think we're going to try this recipe 'cause we heard it rocks! your bread = fantastical!


speak to me, yo!