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Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Santa Baby.....

... slip Jensen under the tree, for me.... been an awful good girl!

I don't think that's too much to ask for, right?

I'm so excited that it is Christmas Eve tomorrow. I LOOOOVE Christmas and this year it seems to mean baking for me and lots of it. Starting with my little Christmas tree cookies. They are chocolate shortbread with minty green buttercream and sprinkles. I'm not the world's best cookie decorator but I think they're cute all the same. I wish the flash didn't wash out the pretty green of the icing so much though.

There was some dough (and frosting) leftover, so I made a couple of sandwich cookies with the remainders.

And it would be rude to just throw away the leftover frosting....

Last night was my best friend's fiance's birthday and he requested mango & coconut cake, so that is what he got. (I multiplied the recipe x 1.5, last time I doubled it and the cake was freaking huge so I decided to make it smaller this time). No inside shot though, we demolished it at the Chinese restaurant before I could get my camera out.

There was still a bit too much cake mixture though so I got a couple of little cupcakes out of it too.

I had loads of coconut frosting left - huzzah. Luckily my friends love cake and I love to bake so I made a quick chocolate cake with the leftover coconut milk and some shredded coconut added, for our little chrimbo get together tonight.

Last time I mentioned about making soap but I didn't have time for that this weekend. However, my friend's sister asked me to make her some gift sets for her friends so I dug out my dusty oils boxes. I haven't made anything in AGES but this was a lot of fun. I used to do this a lot, hence I have a shit load of fragrance & essential oils....

I made body butter & scrub:

Bath salts.....
And soy wax tarts, that you burn in an oil burner - these things rock hard!
And lip balm....

That's it from me until after Christmas, so I'll just say I hope you have a wonderful Christmas everyone and CHEERS!!!

Cooking to: cheesey chrimbo songs!


  1. Sal! Blimey! I don't know where to start on this one!
    Firstly, how marvelous to meet you! *Handshakes and hugs*
    There is some seriously good cakeage in this post, and what awesome little christmas tree biccies! Me wants.
    And move over lush/body shop etc, Sal's in town! Your home made soaps and such look amazing! And so professional. Will you ever put up recipes for those lovelies?? Will ya? Pretty please?
    I am LOVING your work dude!
    Yay for the holidays! Enjoy your Christmas xxx

  2. uhh... I have to second Rabbit's "Blimey"!! Damn lady "you've got the right stuff... ooh baby" (hehe... all this NKOTB quoting could really get out of control)... that's a pretty amazing showing... I'm jealous of your friends that get to put in requests for cakes and scrubs and chapstick and whatnot!!

    At any rate take a break and indulge in all of that goodness!

    Cheers **clinks glass and chugs**

  3. hey sal,

    good to hear you're back to normal health. i had some serious catching up to do! all that food looks great and yay for making gifts--that seems to be a lost art. i want one of those cookie sammiches.

  4. sal! those cookes and cakes look really great, but what i am most impressed with is all the bath/body stuff you made! i had no idea you were so crafty. i'm so impressed!

  5. Yep! Nice to meet you! Seriously yummy looking sweets you have there. And holy crap -- that is definitely a shit-load of oils, etc.

    Happy Holidays!! Stay warm and well.

  6. you made all of that awesomeness, Sal! hot damn! even lip balm!?! man, that's so awesome! all of your foodz are looking especially yummy -i really loooove the christmas tree cookies (i think you did a stellar job on the decorating) & the mango & coconut cake! mmmmmm! i totally need to make that some time. hooray for having enough cake leftover for some cuppies! yay!

    hope you have a wonderful holiday! stay warm, be safe, laugh a lot, and give lots of hugs!

    holiday hugs to you, too!

  7. You can have Jensen and I'll take Jared!! :D Trees look awesome and I've always wanted to make my own body stuff. Very cool.

  8. I'm having comment trauma! I don't know if the other comment went through or not, but you are da bomb! You've got to give us a tut so we can learn to make some groovy soap too! Everything looks so professional. You are a rock star!
    Have a wonderful Christmas, Sal!

  9. Aw, what cute tree cookies!

    Happy holidays! :)

  10. Merry Christmas to you too! Talk about a busy girl... and I absolutely LOVE all your homemade beauty goodies - so sweet!

  11. That is some fabulous looking foodage... I love the biscuits especially with the trunks and the green and the sprinkles... so cute!

    But I'm afraid there is no way that YOU can have Jensen for Christmas, because *I* am having Jensen for Christmas, and I just don't share my Jensen ;) Who, BTW, I shall be up close with in April when I attend the Supernatural con.. tee hee.

    Have a fabulous Christmas. :D

  12. cute cookies! And have very Merry Christmas.

  13. I seriously need to learn to make soap!

  14. Those shortbread are too cute! I love all the homemade gifts.

  15. the cookies look awesome. I love making tree shaped cookies. I don't know why.

    You have a serious stash of oils! Your really could open a bath and body shop. the scent combos look awesome.

  16. Sexy beater licker alert!! :)

    I love your Christmas tree cookies! And I don't blame your friends for demolishing the cake, it looks fab!

    You are such a crafty little Christmas elf! Look at all those homemade goodies! I would love to learn how to make my own skin care stuff! You rock so hard!!

    I hope you had a awesome Christmas! Did you find Jensen under your tree?

  17. I found your blog through make your own cosmetics???

    YOU ROCK! hahaha

    alert - new reader to ya blog!

    Belated Merry X-mas wish to you!

  18. Those little Christmas trees look amazing.

    And how do you make all those cosmetics?!

  19. i always lick the beaters. and the spoon. and the bowl.
    that's the best part of baking of course!

  20. I love the Christmas tree cookies, they look fantastic!

    And aren't you clever making all those scrubs and lip balms, awesome gifts!

  21. Love your blog, and I too adore jenson, counting down till supernatural returns. I hope you got what you wanted for christmas. earthybrit

  22. Sal - all those goodies look fab - edible and unedible. I'm intrigued about the soy wax tarts though - can you divulge more?
    Pretty please.

  23. Jeni - basically they are soy wax that I colour and add fragrance to. You put one in the top of an oil burner then light the tealight underneath. When the wax melts they give off their fragrance. They really throw the scent around as well, they're awesome.


speak to me, yo!