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Friday, 27 March 2009

I lied....

.....I know I said my last post would be the last one before I moved but I actually have done some cooking this week! So I thought I'd post it.

This was last night's dinner - curry! I didn't think I'd actually put that many potatoes in, but it was awesome nonetheless. I didn't have any coconut milk so I added some soya yoghurt at the end. And I only added one chilli so was expecting it to be pretty mild but it was really spicy - it rocked. I threw some toasted cashews on top and served it with some homemade rotis, cuz I wasn't in the mood for rice.

Close up of the rotis. They're spectacularly easy to make and they're delicious. Recipe at end of post.

This was dinner the night before. Some bulgar wheat cooked with tomatoes and lots of hot sauce, with steamed brocolli & baked tofu. YUM.

And lastly, Tuesday's dinner. A tofu scramble with some awesome crunchy roasted taters.

Rotis (makes 4)
1 cup (160g) wholemeal flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cumin seeds (optional)
1 tsp olive oil
About 1/2 cup (125ml) water

To make them, just mix together all the dry ingredients, then add in water slowly, mixing with a fork until a soft dough forms and pulls away from the bowl. You don't want it too dry but not so wet that you can't knead it.
Knead it gently in the bowl for about 30 seconds, just to make sure it's all combined and smooth. Then leave aside until you're ready to roll.

Split the dough into 4 and flour the counter / rolling pin well. Add flour to the dough as needed to stop it sticking and roll the roti out till they're nice an thin.

Heat up a non-stick frying pan and put the roti in one at a time. Cook for 1-2 minutes, until starting to brown, flip and do the same the other side.

Now I'm off to continue squeeeeeeeee-ing about my move tomorrow! YAY!!! See ya next time with flat pix!!


  1. I thought I smelled something burning - it's your PANTS! Ha!

    This all looks so good, and homemade Rotis are just the best way to go, really!

    I can't wait to see flat pics! Right on!

  2. That curry looks great, it'd be perfect for me cause I hate coconut hehe, I'll have to try making those rotis too they look yummy

  3. The curry looks fantastic! My favorite :) I'm definately going to file that roti recipe away. Looks easier than I thought :)

  4. can't wait to see your new flat!

  5. what a yummy substitute for coconut, Sal - brilliant! and hooray for a spicy curry! it looks soooo good - and i love the cashews on top. totally gotta give that a try sometime. w00t! and i've had rotis before, but never made 'em. totally going to have to make some using your recipe! thanks, Sal!

    the baked tofu looks perfect, and the potatoes 'n scramble look especially awesome! hot damn!

    hope you have a super stellar weekend, Sal! wahooooooooo!

  6. i want rotis. now.

    excited to see your new flat!

  7. That baked tofu is making me hungry! And I love homemade Indian flatbreads. I made a batch of parathas recently and froze a bunch for later eatin'.

  8. Liar liar pants on fire! :D

    Awesome pre-move foods! I hope you have a great moving day tomorrow!!

  9. Good luck moving tomorrow Sal.
    Food looks yummy as always.

  10. yum! i'm often not in a rice-mood, so this is great for my indian dishes. i usually make prathas, but these look equally as yum.

    good luck with your move!

  11. Your roti looks so good! And I'd like to do a face plant in that tofu scramble.

    Hope the move goes smoothly!

  12. I suck at making rotis! yours look so professional, I'll have to try the recipe.

  13. All of that food looks delish! And I'm gonna have to try roti soon! Anything I can do on the stovetop rather than the oven makes me happy :) Good luck with the move!


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