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Monday, 12 October 2015

Vegan Store, Kings Heath, Birmingham

Mr A is originally from Birmingham and on a trip up there earlier this year, we noticed a new store front that said Vegan Store on it. I got totally over-excited and googled it and it turns out it was a soon-to-opening, um vegan store. Name says it all really!

I still haven't had a chance to go myself yet, but Mr A found out his friend from Brum was coming down this way at the weekend and he sneakily asked him to seek out some stuff as a surprise for me. Mainly Round-up, as I've been dreaming of those for weeks.

Well he outdid himself.... look!

I got 4 different Tofurky products that Holland & Barrett don't stock. Round-ups, Vego bars, Schlagfix squirty cream (my fave) and rice whip!

I was excited!

One of the Tofurky products I got was their hicory smoked maple bacon tempeh slices. I couldn't wait to try these and as we'd already decided on Brinner for Saturday night's eats, it was perfect timing. (It's really good by the way).

Also, I finally got to try the gold Round-ups, I usually just buy the red ones. The gold ones are wheat free (not sure about gluten) and they are definitely not as good as the red ones. The biscuit is a bit drier and the marshamllowy middle isn't as, well marshmallowy! They are still good though, so if you can't eat wheat, give these a try!

Next time we go up, I'll hopefully make it to the store myself.

Sal xXx

Vegan Store's Website / Facebook.


  1. Awesome FINDS! You should link up to MidWeek Munchies :)

  2. I love that tempeh bacon and I'm excited that the UK's getting a new vegan store! That's rad!

  3. yay!! What are those rings? They look like spaghettios. Does the UK have a vegan version? I've been missing spaghettios for sooo long.

    1. Yep they are heinz spaghetti hoops which I think are probably the same/similar.

  4. Yay, Round Ups, I didn't even know about the gold ones. We went to an amazing Wholefoods store today in Porthmadog in Wales. There was so much good stuff. Stocked up on Vego and Ten Acre Crisps and bought some amazing CoYo icecream in Sticky Date and Tamarind flavour. I'd been feeling sad that there were icecream places everywhere but nothing I could buy so it was a most welcome discovery :)

    1. Ooh I didn't know CoYo did ice cream, so that's exciting!

  5. I got 4 different Tofurky products that Holland & Barrett don't stock. Round-ups, Vego bars, Schlagfix squirty cream (my fave) and rice whip!


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