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Monday, 2 June 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

So it's my birthday today and I'm 29 - surprisingly enough I'm not freaking out at the fact that I am now in the last year of my 20s!! Next year might be a different tale.

Some of this weekend's food is below but most importantly, here is my birthday cake. I made it myself but that's ok, I know it's vegan and it is awesome, which is more important. Chocolate orange cake! YUM!

Here it is in full...

Inside shot...

With my birthday present from my mum and dad:

Some other news: the birthday breakfast of champions: fronch toast and ketchup and a cuppa tea in my favourite mug - which is older than me, it makes me feel young! haha. I like to drink my tea out of it and shout CUP OF TEA - in a (bad) impression of Animal's voice.

Some food from the weekend:

Balsamic roasted onion and spiced tomato tart - recipe is a work in progress but very nearly there, so will post soon. It was lunch for me and my besty on Saturday and it was yum!

To go with it, a bean salad dressed with a simple raspberry vinegar / flax oil dressing.

Cookies - again, the recipe is a work in progress so not posted yet, as I think they are good but still need a little something something.

Friday's dinner: sausage casserole and crusty bread. Made with frozen veg - time saving superstars! and some seitan sausage a la the everyday dish but with some Sal modifications!!

Cooking (the birthday cake) to: Vixen's Greatest Hits
Cooking (the cookies) to: This is Spinal Tap

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