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Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Aww shucks...

I got nominated for a cute Butterfly award (must not mention grammar must not mention grammar must ….), by the lovely Jeni Treehugger and by the awesome Guava. I love both their blogs and both of these were a Vegan MoFo find for me, as I think I was for them! Gotta love that mofo! Big big thank you, ladies! :)
I love butterflies as well – me and mum have a bit of a fixation about them and I have one tattooed on my foot – because my nan loved them and oh it’s a long story I won’t bore you with, sufficed to say I love them.

Oh and as usual I’m behind the times!! And pretty much everyone I want to nominate either nominated me or has already posted about this or I’ve seen them nominated.

So as I’m a rebel I’m gonna ignore the RULEZ* and I’m just gonna give a shout out to the blogs that I love. If I haven’t mentioned you – I’m sorry, it’s just that I have a memory like a sieve!

These ladies make me laugh, inspire me and make me hungry by posting awesome food porn. I never cease to be amazed at the originality and humour and awesome recipes I get from food blogs and since going vegan, the blogosphere has really helped me never look back!

If you haven’t already been nominated for this (I think you probably all have) then consider yourself tagged:

Jessy – happyveganface
River – Wing It Vegan
Georgia – Lady’s Vegan Kitchen
Becks – I Am Not a Rabbit

I will probably be editing this list because there are others, I KNOW I’ve forgotten – that’s what I get for not having a blogroll; maybe it’s time I get on that!!

*The rules are supposed to be….
1) post about the award
2) link back to the person that nominated you
3) place the award on your sidebar and then choose 10 blogs that you think are really cool, link to them, contact each person and talk about why you think their blogs are cool.


  1. Aww thanks dude! >:o) I'm glad the butterfly winged it's way to you, I knew it wouldn't take long.
    And re the grammar~ it's dreadful! I had to remove the award from my sidebar because the grammar was really grating on me >:o(

  2. Aww, thank you so much Sal!! You totally deserve the Butterfly Award because your blog is ultra cool! YAY!!

    It's so exciting being recognized by you! Your blog is on my list of the five blogs I would choose if I had to choose only five blogs to read for the rest of my life! You know, like the "what three things would you bring to a desert island" thing?

  3. woohoo, thank you for this! and congrats to you. <3

  4. Awww Sal - I'm feeling the love here!
    You naughty bloggers you, can not a one of us stick to the roolz?
    Guess not.
    It must be the bad grammar that makes us break all the boundaries.
    Hee hee hee

  5. those butterflies spread fast!

  6. congrats on the award, Sal! aren't butterflies the best?! i always think they're just sooo pretty! (and i love how they fly & float around like they're a bit tipsy from booze or something. cracks me up a bit!)

    congrats on the award, Sal! i'd like to say that i love your blog, too! it's one that i get all squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee about when i see that you've got a new post up! i love to see what you're cooking up (and it's always so damn delicious looking), what you're listening to, and i love the fun stories your tell, too! you rock, Sal! congrats again! and thank you so so so so much for the shout-out! :) hooooooooray!

  7. hehe... I knew you were a good pick all along... and the fact that I now discover I wasn't the only one that had a sarcastic comment locked and loaded while accepting my warm fuzzy is just further confirmation... mmm.. can't get me enough Alien on Toast!

  8. thanks! your blog rules as well, my dear. you are totally deserving of the award. and yeah, the grammar on it made me slightly bonkers.

  9. Congrats and thanks,Sal! I enjoy your blogalog too :)

  10. Congrats on the award! You deserve it.


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