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Friday, 21 November 2008

It's all Greek to me

I finally got around to making tofu. Actually this was my second attempt, the first was a big fat failure. This one worked really well.

The texture is strange, it is somewhere between regular and silken tofu. Very soft - and the taste reminds me of what I remember cottage cheese to taste like. It split down the middle when I turned it out of the mould.

I baked some (that I didn't get a photo of) but I overcooked it and it was a bit yuk. When trying to decide what to do with the other half, all that kept popping into my mind was feta! I know there are a few recipes out there for tofu feta but I was too lazy to look one up so I just doused it in a bit of olive oil, white wine vinegar, oregano and salt & pepper and left it over night.

Then I made a greek salad with it. The supermarket has started doing pick and mix tomatoes and I got yellow, orange and red cherry tomatoes - they were so pretty and sooooo tasty....

I added some chunky cucumber, finely chopped red pepper, my tofu feta and shallot and a simple red wine vinagrette. Oh and lots of fresh mint. The rather unphotogenic stuff next to it was some brown rice and lentils, cooked together in veggie stock with some peas added and a bit of red wine vinegar. Ugly but tasty.

This week, my copy of Sarah Kramer's Garden of Vegan arrived. I was flipping through and as soon as I saw the recipe for the Bodacious Barley & Bean Soup (AKA the best soup EVER), I knew it had to be mine. Oh yes, it had to be mine! So I made it and wow! My friend was round at the time and when she tasted it, took the recipe straight away to make it when she got home.
To go with it I made some more soda bread. I'm still working on getting the recipe right though so I can post it.


  1. Oh wow, I love that you made tofu! I need to try that! The consistency (soft) sounds like it would make lovely feta.

  2. Blimey! Making your own tofu is above and beyond the call of duty!

  3. hooray for make'n some tofu, Sal! sorry you overbaked a bit of it - but the tofu feta salad looks damn tasty! mmmmmmmmm! i'm gonna have to check out Garden of Vegan - i hear Sarah's a glorious vegan chef. the soup looks sooooooo super stellar! and you're making soda bread?! i cannot wait for the recipe! dan & i have been enjoying different soups & breads lately - i've never made a soda bread before. i'll wait for your recipe & try it out! yay!

    have a fantastical weekend, Sal! :D

  4. you MADE your own tofu? that's pretty fuckin' hard core. i thought the salad looked great, and the soup did too!

  5. the tofu i made had that weird consistency too! kind of like ricotta cheese, if i remember that stuff correctly. fake feta is a great idea for it though. i think that if you add twice the amount of coagulent, you will end up with firmer tofu, but i haven't tried it yet.

    that soup looks awesome!

  6. I'm not a 'soupy' person, but I would love to try that soup;
    I'm so sad that here in the Netherlands it's impossible to buy all those great vegan cookbooks!

  7. How cool, Sal!! I want to make my own tofu! Man, you must be so super proud of your tofu-making coolness!

    I love the little tomatoes! And the soup and the bread look beyond drool worthy!

  8. Mmmmm yeah!
    I've had my eye on making Feta for a while now!!
    Soup and Soda Bread tooo - looks totally scrummy.

    You've been given an award!

  9. Ooh I want to make tofu; it sounds fun!

  10. NOMNOMNOM!!! I'm so impressed with your tofu!! Is that as big as it looks?? With the amount of tofu I go through I seriously need to try this! AMAZING! Also, I gave you an award come check it out!

    **hehee... my verification word is penies... hehe... okay being an adult now.

  11. your tofu looks amazing! i haven't made my own yet. i'm too lazy, but i commend you on it. that takes skill.

    i used to love cottage cheese so i know i would like this one. how do you make it? is there some sort of machine?

  12. Guava - It's really not that big, a bit smaller than the regular blocks I buy in the supermarket.

    Joanna - I have a soymilk maker and it came with a free tofu press and coagulant. You just literally make a batch of soymilk, add the coagulant and then strain it through cheesecloth into the press and weight it to press out the water. I have only made one successful batch so far and I'm still not happy with it but I'm looking forward to experimenting with it!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. TOFU!!!!!!!! XD

    eeehahahahahaha!!!!! yummmmm ^_^

  15. the tofu in the salad really looks like feta!

  16. very cool that you made tofu. Love the feta - I think it's beautiful. I haven't had it since going vegan.

    The soup and soda bread looks fabulous.


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