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Saturday 3 October 2009

Vegan MoFo: argy bhaji!

I was bored the other day so I watched Market Kitchen (I have to pretty dang bored to watch that!!) and this dude was making onion bhajis. I had already planned a curry for dinner so thought I'd give them a go, but deep frying them is not good for my diet.

So I decided to make my own up as I went along and to bake them instead and they worked too!! They are really easy to make as well.

Here's the recipe if you want to have a go yourself (good news for gluten free folks, they use chickpea flour!!)

1-2 tbsp olive oil (plus extra for baking)
1 nice large onion, finely sliced (you need about 2 cups of onion)
1/4 cup (4 tbsp) chickpea (gram) flour
2 tsp rice flour (I used brown rice flour)
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp garam masala or curry powder
1/4 cup (4 tbsp) water

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F.

Heat the oil over a medium heat and add the onions and a pinch of salt (don't go nuts or it'll overpower the flavour of the bhajis). Cook them for a good 10-15 minutes until they are cooked through and are starting to get golden, just don't burn them.

Transfer the onions to a bowl and dump the other ingredients in. Mix everything well.

Spray a cookie sheet with oil or line with greaseproof paper. Divide the mixure into 4 and spoon it onto the baking sheet. Flatten a little the spray the tops with a teeny bit of oil.

Bake for 10 minutes, then spray a little more oil over them and bake another 5-10 minutes until cooked and starting to get golden.

I served mine with curry and basmati rice. YUM YUM.



  1. I have always wanted to make these, but was also put off by the frying. Thank you.

  2. Ooh yes, I am always happy to see successfully baked versions of a normally fried dish. Woohoo!

  3. They look so good. I have not ventured yet into curry dishes. but I have bought the curry spices so I am getting there.

  4. I was just thinking about bhaji the other day--the Indian restaurant near my house has a lunch buffet that is worth the cost entirely for the bhaji. I'll have to try this out, if I can get my hands on chickpea flour.

  5. LOL! When I was in England a few weeks back I watched the food channel constantly. But even I turned over when Market Kitchen came on. One of the main male presenters was a complete dick and used to irritate me to the point I was shouting at him via the TV screen. He kept going on about how good veal is. TOSSER!
    Do you ever watch Ace of Cakes? LOVED that show so much.
    I know that deep frying Onion Bhaji isn't good for us but I have tried baking them and they just don't do it for me.
    I will, however, try your recipe Sal 'cos if they's alright with an alien then they's alright with me.

  6. I've never had bhajis, but those look really good! Now I feel like I'm missing out.

  7. HA Market Kitchen!! I've watched it a couple of times but you're right you need to be pretty darn bored! I don't know why I've never considered making my own bhaji's before, I'm a spice wuss so I could actually make some I can handle that way!!

  8. They still look fried! Nice work and thanks for the recipe!!!

  9. I've never made these, but they look like my kind of deal...anything with chickpea flour is usually good. Looks like a great pairing with the curry and rice.

  10. Oh man, I do love onions... Especially when they're crispy! What a great idea.

  11. Baked bhaji is a great idea! I love onion bhajis as well.

  12. Oh, baked not fried works for me everytime! Too much oil makes me ill. These look tasty!

  13. good to know that works. I have this paranoid feeling that there's only two or three episodes of Market Kitchen and they keep repeating it all the time. is there something wrong with me?

  14. Yum! Those look really good.

  15. i'm not big on frying foods either, i love your idea to bake 'em, Sal! i've never had bhajis before - but they look awesome, sound stellar, and they're gluten-free, too - how can i not make these?!?! :)

    your curry looks great as well - i love that you topped it with some peanuts for extra yumminess. nice!

  16. mm... did treehuggers onion bhaji's last year (damn was it really that long ago??)...must make some more...

    YES on ACE OF CAKES! :) Only watched a couple but a total riot!


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