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Sunday, 25 October 2009

Vegan MoFo: Sunday foodz and an ouch!

I am clumsy bint today. I caught my stupid fake nail in a drawer when I was tidying up and bent the fucker back. I think some of my real nail has come away from the nailbed, i just don't know how far down because stupid fakey is still attached. But there was blood. And pain. And a LOT of swearing.

Anyway, at least I had dinner to make feel better. I made another stew but this time I was inspired by the Barefoot Contessa's beef bourginon. So it's just onions, button mushrooms, soy chunks, stock, red wine and thyme. I also added peas cuz I <3 them.

With lots of mashed potato. YUM YUM YUM. So good.

For lunch I really wasn't all that hungry but I did have both an avocado and some tortillas in the fridge that were past their best. So I chopped up the tortillas and baked them and made some guac. And then I chomped them while watching last night's Strictly Come Dancing on the iPlayer (my stupid sky signal went out again last night). Jo is gone, at last!! hurrah. She was sweet but effin rubbish!

Did you remember to put your clocks back?? I didn't so when I was lying in bed this morn waiting for the church bells to start going off it took a minute to realise that it was actually almost 9am not 10am!! doh.

oh and Jojo - I edited my last post for you to add the soup recipe.



  1. That stew looks seriously awesome, I want it right now! Thanks for the soup recipe & I hope your nail feel better!

  2. oh my goodness, Sal - your stew looks awesome & it sounds so freak'n delicious! the combination of peas (which i too puffy heart!) onions, button mushrooms, soy chunks, & red wine sounds most fabulous - especially with mashed taters. i love a good snacky lunch - had myself one today too. i cringed when i read your nail incident. that sounds super painful - i hope it heals fast!

  3. That sounds absolutely perfect Sal, as always! I was fancying stew myself today but settled on stir-fry instead. Agree about Jo on Strictly - now they just have to get rid of professional Dad-dancer Craig Kelly. It physically pains me to watch him!

  4. OUCH OUCH OUCH! Bending a nail is one of the worst pains ever. I will cyber kiss it better.
    Gorgeous looking Stew - I LOVE a bourginon.

  5. Ah, that stew looks great for one of these cold days!

  6. YOWCH!! I've only worn fake nails once and that was when I got married. I got them on 2 days before my wedding and by the morning we got married I think I only had about 6 of them left! And each and every one of them hurt like a bugger and I vowed never again!

    Lucky you've had good food though! Mmmm!

  7. I hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad!

    I <3 stew on a cold day like today! Wish I had some of that right now...

  8. Owie owie owie owie owie OWIE! All my nails are aching in sympathy. ARGH!

    But at least that stew looks fantastic!

  9. that was insensitive... I was thinking about alien's poor nail and then got distracted by the lovely avocado...

    OUCH!! *GUAVA makes sad face*
    (No I'm not still eyeing your Guac... what kind of vegan crazed food blogger friend do you take me for?) :0


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