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Friday, 16 October 2009

Vegan MoFo: Baking Fail!

I am sad, I had to throw away cake!! I put in too much baking soda! Boo. I was on auto-pilot and thought I was making muffins, not cake. Dang.

Ah well, I’m not giving up on this recipe, it has potential.



  1. Ugh, I made muffins once that were just terrible. Sucks when you take the time to bake something and it comes out crap. It still looks good, though!

  2. Oh sad sad fail. But fun fun experimenting.

  3. Oh no, I hate having to throw away food!

  4. Sorry about the recipe not turning out. At least it looks good.

  5. oh no, Sal - i'm sorry you had to chuck it. that's what happened a few weeks ago with me & this gluten-free bread i tried to make - too much darn baking soda. sadface! i applaude you for not giving up entirely though - you'll get your cake awesome next time, fo 'sho!


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