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Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Vegan MoFo: The dumbass, the crap photots and the cake

The dumbass would be me! I had a tonne of photos on my camera of today's dinner and the cake that this post is about but when I put the memory card back in to take another pic, I somehow managed to delete everything else off my camera!!! DUMBASS. Oh well, the gist is this....

I got back from body jam* tonight and felt saucy and cuz dinner was quite low calorie I went with it. I decided to make my own version up of the differeent microwave mug cake recipes that's going round t'internet and this is what I came up with. I tried mixing sugar and cocoa and sprinkling it on top then adding hot water in the hope of seeing some nice sauce appear on my cake, but was disappointed.

That is until I got to the bottom of the mug and found there was a bit of sauce - squee! However, it was that discovery that lead to me taking out the memory card and... oh you know the rest! boo.

So here are a couple of hella shite pics of my microwave choccy cake, I had some soya cream on it too, that's what the white gunk is!

Sorry! But to make up for my stupidity, here is the recipe. I won't lie and tell you "this is the greatest cake you'll ever eat like OMG!" But for a cure to a chocolate craving that takes less than 10 minutes to prepare, cook and wash up, it's pretty good.

1/4 cup (4 tbsp) of flour (I used white spelt)
1 tsp of cocoa powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp baking soda
pinch salt
1/4 tsp coffee granules (optional)
3 tbsp of non-dairy milk
1/8 tsp cider or white wine vinegar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp rapeseed (canola) oil
1 tbsp agave nectar or maple syrup

Optional extra:
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp cocoa powder
1.5 tbsp hot water

Stir together your dry stuff in the mug of your choice. Chuck in the wet stuff and mix till combined. Mix together sugar and cocoa powder and sprinkle over the top. Then pour the hot water over the top.

Put on a microwave safe plate (just in case there's spillage), then microwave for 1 minute. Leave it to cool a bit before scoffing or you'll burn your tongue - piggy truffler!!

*Does anyone else do body jam?? I've been a few times now and I LOVE it. It's so much fun, you honestly don't feel like you're exercising until the music stops and you realise you're an un-coordinated sweaty mess! If your gym does Les Mills BTS classes, I recommend you go shake your booty at this one!



  1. Nothing more frustrating than losing your photos - i have been there :) Microwave Chocolate cake..hmmm

  2. Ugh, I think we've all deleted our photos at one time or another!

    And I don't think it's possible to take amazing shots of mug cake, it's just too brown and gooey, but oh, it tastes so good! I love the addition of coffee!

  3. That cake

    Good thing I don't have a microwave or I'd be up off the couch trying it out now.

    I should check out the classes at my gym. I keep meaning to go, but then I get scared off and just hang out on the treadmill. Zumba Dance, here I come!

  4. Never heard of body jam Sal - but I like the sound of any exercise that doesn't make you feel like you're exercising until afterwards!
    Boo Hoo about your camera - I bet you were totally caked out when the photos got deleted,those microwacve cakes are the best and have saved me on a few occasions now.

  5. Aside from you deleting all your pictures I'm also holding you responsible for the coffee I just snorted through my nose as I imagined my little piggy truffler self sweating and dancing while trying to eat chocolate cake out of a mug through my plastic piggy snout...

  6. who doesn't love choclate cake that easy to make?

  7. oh no, Sal – sorry you accidentally erased all the photos! i have totally done that before. frustratingface. hooray for a fantastical workout! i’ve never had mug cake before – oh man, i imagine that once i start i’ll never stop. mu ah ah ah ha! too awesome on the sauce being the bottom & saved for last – nice! i can’t wait to try your mug cake – yay!

  8. Noooooooo! Oh, that would make me cry. I am so OCD about having a photo for every recipe I make. ;) Actually my camera is currently at the clinic (had to take photos of a cat for the owner and it got left there) and I am slightly panicked about something going wrong and losing the photos I have on it!

    Thanks for the microwave cake recipe. I always mean to look one up because it just sounds to good to be true.


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