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Thursday, 22 October 2009

Vegan MoFo: I cooked. And baked!

I didn't blog yesterday because I didn't have much inspiration. I had leftovers for lunch and dinner and I wasn't sure anyone would a post on the genius of mushy peas - aside from me!

Today though I had a productive day. Cuz aside from watching half the first season of This Life*, I bought a few bits in the supermarket and HURRAH, brussels are available again! I had some roasted with butternut squash and red pepper, with some baked tofu and brown rice that I cooked with some stock and spices and threw some sweetcorn into as well. Yum.

And I made some muffins. I used my basic recipe as a start and added spices, a banana and walnuts to come up with this recipe. They are cooling as we speak and I'm looking forward to having one with a nice cold glass of soymilk.

*I forget how awesome This Life was. Seriously, thursday nights are still not the same and it's been off the air about 12 years! haha.
Oh and Charlotte Hatherley's latest album, New Worlds, came out this week. It is amazing, go buy it!!!



  1. ohhh, what is This Life? i might have to check it out. hooray for brussels, Sal! they are my absolute favorite – especially with yumminess like butternut squash ‘n ‘fu. mmmmmmmm! i made muffins yesterday as well – although i totally forgot to take a picture of them. i made them with whole wheat flour so i didn’t get to eat ‘em, but dan said they were awesome and so did my friends. i used your basic muffin recipe – and tossed in some super ripe naners, used agave instead of sugar, and tons of chocolate chips. thanks so much – they were such a hit!

  2. muffins!!! I love muffins!! yummy!
    Debra @ Vegan Family Style
    ps don't forget the giveaway on my blog


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