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Friday 2 October 2009

Vegan MoFo: Easy Tiger!!

I know I wrote a post about this when I first started this blog, but goddamit I love tiger bread.

Just look at this magnificent beast! There is no week crap enough, no day full of idiots phoning me, no ailment that can't be soothed somewhat by some freshly baked tiger bread. Well maybe not exactly but in my head today, that's how it goes.

Tiger Tim (take that Henman, I stole your nickname!!) - he is happy with just a bit of pure soya....

But he really shines with a big dollop of chocoreale or spekuloos spread.

But he is not a fussy beast, no. He is just as happy with a generous coating of hummus.

I brought the small loaf - wasn't that restrained of me! And it was still warm, oh happy day. I'm off now to see what I can dig out of my cupboard to put on more tiger bread.



  1. Yup, your bread looks like a tiger. I love the chocolate spread!

  2. That bread is absolutely beautiful and looks delicious! thanks for the post!

  3. Why can't our local grocery store have Tiger Tim bread? *WANT*

    I have a fresh jar of strawberry preserves in the fridge. What do you say we have a little play-date for your bread and my spread? Hmm, that actually sounded a little dirty! :-D

  4. I love love love tiger bread, it's awesome! I could seriously eat the whole loaf in one go!

  5. what is this tiger bread? it looks divine!

  6. i’ve never had tiger bread before, Sal! it looks so damn delicious! i hope some day to make a gluten-free version of the deliciousness that is spekuloos spread. i think i’d top just about everything with it. mmmmmmmmmmm!

  7. I am so intrigued... never heard of it!

  8. I've never seen Tiger Bread here. I want some though!

  9. I've never even heard of tiger bread before, but the thought of putting chocoreale on anything makes my mouth water!

  10. You can buy that? You need to make them tell you how to make that crust! And then share it with us :)

  11. tiger bread rules! is it very bad when tiger rolls and hummus become a breakfast substitute, ahem?

  12. ARGH !!!!

    I have just finished breakfast and one look at that tigered, chocloate-spready delight has me famished again.*drool*

    Note to self: no more blog-reading for me.

    pfff, as if I ever listened to myself....

    now for something serious, - is there a recipe for Tiger Tom anywhere ? *blink, blink*

  13. That is one awesome looking loaf of bread!

  14. Seriously, tiger bread - there is no other bread worth buying in our house! Rory knew from a very early age exactly which was the tiger bread baguette in Asda, and by the time I'd paid he was usually elbow deep in it!

  15. how's a tiger bread? I must know! soooo cool looking.

  16. Ahh! I haven't had tiger bread in SO long!! I have to buy some tomorrow now ;)

  17. I don't know if I've ever heard of this but... rawwr rawwrrrr


speak to me, yo!