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Friday, 26 November 2010

Vegan MoFo: Lazy Pasta

I was being mega lazy with dinner tonight, in fact I figured it would be moderately crap so wasn't planning to blog it but you know what....? It was a surprise hit!

I tossed some cooked brown rice pasta with some raw, sliced mushrooms, a tsp of sun dried tomato paste, a tbsp of margarine and a tbsp of nooch. Then I added black pepper and a little bit of lemon zest. So easy and really delicious!

I guess sometimes, lazy is good!



  1. Lazy is good and meals like that usually save me from starving.

  2. you're so right, Sal - sometimes lazy is good. what an easy peasy dinner and one that looks great, too! i love mushies and i'm always game for anything with nooch. i think i'm addicted to the stuff. ah ha ha!

    after yesterday's cooking tonight we're taking a step back and making chili. easy, yummy, perfect for when you're feeling lazy. i'm gonna have to try your lazy pasta sometime as well. :)

  3. Wow - that is easy and it looks well tasty. HURRAH FOR LAZY PASTA!


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