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Saturday, 6 November 2010

Vegan MoFo: Enchiladas Baby!

I suck at MoFo, I was meant to blog this Thursday!! OK well better late than never.

Enchiladas!! I made these on Thursday for my friend and I, along with a mega fail of a cake that I'm not blogging. Normally I don't make them saucy, just filling and then baking. But I tried them the traditional way this time and they were amazing!

The filling was tofu, yellow & orange peppers, onions, mushrooms and sweetcorn all spiced up with cumin, coriander, paprika, chilli powder and oregano. Then I made a sauce out of passata and the sames spices / herbs as the filling, plus a pinch of sugar. I added about 1/2 a cup of the sauce into the filling before filling 6 flour tortillas and rolling them up. Then I poured most of the sauce over them and scattered a tonne of daiya mozzarella and cheddar on top. They are baked @ 180C for 30 minutes, covered with foil, then off comes the foil and they bake a further 5 minutes.

I made sure to leave some of the enchilads un-sauced, as I like where the tortillas go all crispy. They were awesome.

There was some sauce left so I added water and cooked my rice in there to give it some extra flavour.



  1. Sal!!! This all looks so yummy. Now I'm craving enchiladas and it's all your tasty fault!

  2. Woah, those look amazing. I've never had enchiladas!

  3. i've never made saucy enchiladas, and now i want to make them this way the next time we whip some up. we haven't had enchiladas in ohhhh, i'd say about 2 years. wow, i need to get on with it! ahahhahhaa! sadface on the cake fail, but i'm glad the rock'n enchiladas made up for it. i like the crunchy parts, too - the filling you stuffed them with sounds super delicious as well. awesome all around, my friend! happy MoFo'n, Sal!

  4. WHY have I not made something like this before? That would go down such a treat right now (I have a hangover although technically I'm still drunk so it's not even really a hangover!)
    I need an alien to make me saucy enchiladas!

  5. That looks seriously good. I've also never had enchiladas because they seem so time consuming.

  6. i totally love enchiladas... i usually make the stacked version that's on my blog, but the individual ones work too! i haven't made them since daiya came out - i bet that rocks!


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