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Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Vegan MoFo: Soup.... again!

I have been making lots of soup lately. Today I made some for lunch out of a sweet potato, an onion, a red pepper, a clove of garlic, some veggie stock and a couple of teaspoons of garam masala.

It wasn't the greatest soup I've ever eaten but it was tasty and I had one of my soda bread rolls with it! :-)

I love soup because it's easy and quick to make and it is a great way of using up whatever veggies are leftover in your fridge/vegetable drawer! What's your favourite soup?



  1. Yum! I've been sick, and I could really go for a bowl of hot soup right now. My fave would have to be bean soup with cornbread.

  2. I love soup!
    My fave is red lentil, coconut, carrot and corander with lots of onions, garlic, cayenne and cumin!
    It's a super cold fighter!

  3. Today was a soup (and everything else in sight) day for me, too.

    I love a good tomato and basil soup in the summer, tom kha in the winter!

  4. Soup is great! Your combo sounds great and perfect for winter.

    My favourite soup is lentil soup!

  5. Soup is great! I think my favorite is definitely cabbage. Soooo good.


speak to me, yo!